chapter 32

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Bruce wayne pov

The bat cave

My plan.. i can only plan soo far on apokalypse it will be diffrent.

The other mambers of the justice league.. we might need to go in with numbers and leave another number on earth for protection.

But if somehow we'l lose no one can defend this world.

"Bruce" i heard tim in the background.

I turn around with the batcave chair.

Lucky i install weels there.

"Damian confirmed a +1" he said in a rash and left.

Raven.. i open her file on my batcomputer

Real name: rachel roth

Hero name: raven (origin unclear)

Family: mother deceased. Father is a demon trapped in a jewl on her forhead. (Extreamly dangerous).

Mental state: "Child trauma", "father issues".

Relationships: starfire "mentor". blue beetle "friends", "teen titans member". Beast boy "friends", "possible complication in their relationship", "romantic relationship unclear". Robin: "boyfriend", "possible leverge if raven go unstable".

I frowned. How did it even happend?.

I looked closely on the screen and noticed something.

There is an extra file on her

Unclear file: raven3322.exe

I scratched my head and pressed on my watch.

"Anything you require sir?" I heard alfred from the watch.

"Alfred there is extra file on raven" i said waiting for his answer.

"Must be master damian sir" he responded.

"Thank you alfred" i said and pressed on the file.

Its required a password. I used my batcomuter hacking device my friend lucias made.

I enter the file.

List of people to track

Brother blood: real name Sebastian Blood IX. Father name Sebastian Blood VIII. Currently rebuilding his father church. Risk estimated is 9.53%.

Red hood: real name jason todd. Seems weird how much he involved in our family in this time line.

"Anything intresting sir?" I heard alfred from my watch.

I pressed on it to deliver my response.

"There is information about possible enemies for the titans" i reply.

I growled.

"Is that all sir?" Alfred asked.

"I dont think soo" i said as i kept reading.

Lucifer morningstar: fate unclear.

Shedim: last known location hell.

Suddenly a window pop up.

"Secret file" its says.

I pressed on the file and the screen turn red "stay out father" i quickly tried to bypass it.

Nothing works. I sigh "alfred" i said pressing on my watch.

"Yes sir?" He asked.

"Bring lucias here damian infected the system" i said annoyed.

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