•Please, Remember Me?•

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After the discovery of a misplaced ore from a different dimension, the entire Voltron team has been stressed and frustrated lately. Someone has to sacrifice themselves for the team. None of them wanted to lose anyone, but...

Lance knew what he had to do. He had to sacrifice himself for the team and to save the universe.

Allura would replace him as Blue's paladin and they would still be able to form Voltron and have a strong decision maker in the team. Lance was just a paladin, a replaceable one at that, and he knew it. He knew he wasn't the greatest on the team and that he was annoying. It's for the best, Lance told himself.

The Blue Paladin waited until the unlit halls were silent and everyone was without doubt, asleep. He walked slowly, lifting and dragging his fingertips against the walls. He let both the good and bad memories he had with his fellow paladins flow through his mind. He hoped they wouldn't miss him too much.

Lance finally reached Blue's hangar. He wanted to say a proper goodbye to Blue before he went. He walked up to his lion and set his had gently on her large paw. He thought about the first time he flew Blue, the instant connection and bond he felt. He thought about all the battles they survived together.

Lance concentrated on his bond with the beautiful beast. Warm and protecting, motherly even. He knew she didn't want him to leave her like this, but there was no other way.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way, Blue." His words full of sorrow and pain.

"I wish I could stay longer, but, my time has come."

He smiles sadly up to his lion's glowing yellow eyes. Her head lowers and blue eyes shine with tears barely held back. Lance presses himself against his lion's muzzle and hugs it.

Lance takes a shaky breath and lets go.

"Goodbye, Blue. You'll always be the most beautiful lion out of them all." He says softly, turning around and heading to the traveling pods.

He reaches the room and stands at the entrance. He takes a deep breath in and walks determinedly to the pod with the ore he was to dispose of. He opens the pod and climbs in. He fixes the controls and sets his destination.

The swirling orb of light gleamed brightly in front of Lance. He took one more look back at the castle he came to call home, and righted his pod to continue straight forward, straight into the light. Finally his life meant something. He could save his friends and the universe along with it. The crystal-like ore would be reunited with its dimension, and everything would be set straight.

Lance would die with a purpose. He would die a hero. He would die brave.

Tears filled Lance's eyes. If his family saw him now they would be heartbroken, but they would be proud, so proud. Proud of how strong their son has grown. Proud that he would rather give up his own life to save everyone else's.

Lance stayed strong to the very last moment. His eyes staring straight forward into the bright light that would take his life.

Soon, his pod connected with the light and he was dissipated by the force. A painless death he had, a courageous death. The ore that was attached to the ship returned to it's home and the light disappeared from sight.

Lance did not die a horrible death. Lance died an honorable death, one that will be remembered throughout the universe.

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