•How do you find something thats been lost for so long?• Part Two

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I am so so so so so so soooo sorry this took so long. I swear to you guys, that I am not going to make any excuses. I just have had a rough time with things and I promise I'll update more frequently, especially after this part is done. I am also so sorry if this part seems to have a lot of anger in it.

Dedicated to all of those who have requested it, especially @animelover0213

14 months, 7 days, 10 hours, and 43 minutes, since the death of Lance McLain.

The Galran empire has been officially defeated.

Voltron has done it's job.

Over the past years, Voltron's team have become family. They would die for each other. Risk their lives for each other. Suffer for each other.

They didn't want to leave each other. So, they stayed in space. Forever protecting the universe.

How...nice for them.

They never risked their lives for Lance McLain.
But then again, they don't even remember him.

The Castle's electronics were becoming sluggish. The memory stored on the ship from constantly running security cams were the easiest and most abundant source to get rid of. Coran was instructed to set a rewind button on the storage, and the castle would alert of any intruders that were seen in the videos. After everything gets cleared, they could delete the tapes.

After about an hour, a bleeping is heard. The castle paused the video and had an enlarged box with a profile view of Lance McLain. There he was, walking out of the castle of the lions, behind everyone else.

Coran walked up to the bleeping screen, and shut off the noise. His breath hitch in his throat, a hand raising to his mouth. He called the Paladins, Allura, and Matt to the room.

They questioned Coran, wondering what was going on. He then side-stepped, and pointed to the screen behind him.

It took each of them about an entire minute to recognize the person they were staring at, and another to comprehend when that video took place.

Five pairs of eyes widened simultaneously. Matt just looked confused.

"Lance.." Keith whispered.

"Guys.. What happened to Lance?" Shiro stated nervously, but firmly.

They all looked amongst eachother, their eyes held fear.

"We have to find him." Hunk stared at the screen, his eyes locked and watering at the picture of his friend.

"I agree" Pidge stated firmly. She seemed angry toward herself.

There was silence.

A few weeks, and the location of where Lance was last seen, was pinpointed.

The castle landed on the planet, almost exactly where it had last time. Long, golden grass filled the field. It must be fall. The leaves were beautiful. Reds, oranges, and yellows formed the tree line.

The group took soft steps through the tall grass. The wind picked up and felt as if fingertips were brushing against their clothed skin.

They spread out, each person going a different direction. They didn't know what they were going to find.

"Guys." A small voice came from the blue paladin.

They all headed quickly towards Allura's location. Her body was turned away from something. Her head was low, her hand covered her mouth, and her eyes were wide and quickly filling up with tears.

They looked past the horror-struck blue paladin, and saw bones. Shredded paladin armor laid around the skeleton.

Pidge turned her head, tears brimming in her eyes.

Shiro couldn't look away. Couldn't look away from what he had done.

Keith ran and kneeled to the side of the bones. He let out a pain-filled cry, full of anger and sorrow. How could he have let this happen. How could he have forgotten Lance.

Hunk. Hunk broke down. Tears led to sobs led to hyperventilating. No one could comfort him. He let his friend die.

Matt just stared. Stared with eyes wide, and mouth half-open.

Keith started rocking back and forth, sobbing the same as Hunk.

No one ignored the gaping hole in his skull. No one ignored the blue-and-white gun that laid next to the skeletal hand.

The bones were carefully wrapped and brought back to the ship. Coran had nothing to say when they returned. No one spoke for days.

They all knew Lance would have wanted to be cremated and brought back to Earth. They did what the had too. No one held back tears.

They were all guilty.

They all knew what happened.

They will never forgive themselves.

There will never be a day that goes by without the reminder that they killed someone.

Someone who was their friend.

Their family.

Who they destroyed his soul and mind.

As much as they wished the could,

You can't turn back time.

I'm so sorry this was shit guys.. so sorry

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