•How do you find something thats been lost for so long?•

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Prompt: Replacements are only temporary

--3rd person--

Lance knew he was a bother to the team. His comments meant to lighten the mood were always scowled upon. His caring for his team went unnoticed. His thoughts and opinions that might actually help the team? Completely ignored.

Ever since Shiro disappeared and the lion switch, Lance had been trying to become what Shiro would have wanted him to be. Maybe, maybe, just maybe, if he tried hard enough to become more like everyone's beloved Keith, there might be the slightest chance he might stay on the team. Maybe if he could lock himself away, he could become someone better.

It started off with smaller things. He wouldn't make jokes. He wouldn't flirt with any alien he saw. He threw away his humor. Even if someone had noticed they would have passed it off as him just being tired from the previous mission or that he finally realized that he didn't have a chance with any of the aliens he met.

After a few days, things escalated a little more. His gorgeous ocean blue eyes lost their sparkle. Their curiosity. Their softness. He lost his smile. He forgot his skin care routine. He stopped bothering his teammates.

Lance started training. A lot. He trained during every spare moment, trying to become something the team could actually use, trying to become useful. Trying to become more like Keith. Lance woke up early and trained. He trained after meals. He trained late into the night. He trained even as his muscles screamed in agony and he could barely stand. He trained until he was able to shoot a clean shot every time, in every scenario. He trained until he was setting the levels higher than even Shiro's capabilities.

Maybe he would finally become useful. Maybe Shiro would be proud. Maybe he might notice him. Maybe Keith would accept him as part of the team. Maybe Allura would take him seriously.

He told himself this. It was the only thing that ran through his mind anymore.

Soon, Lance was a machine; accurately and smoothly sniping opponents. He never missed a shot. He was a great resource to the team.

The others didn't notice his excessive training or his sudden improvement, but it didn't matter. He helped the team.

All they cared about was that they didn't have a pest anymore. No more annoying comments, no more flirting with Allura, and no more mistakes.

After a while, Lance began to lose himself. He was losing his personality. Anything left from the old Lance was being drowned out. His humor was gone. He no longer bothered the others with his concerned thoughts on their physical and/or mental health. His caring side was flushed out. His eyes were a dull stormy grey and they no longer met any of the other's. He took orders like a soldier. The only words he spoke were those of confirmation. He became a robot. A shell of what he used to be.

The rescue mission was successful. Both Shiro and Matt were found at the same location in a Galran base on a barren planet. The plan was rather simple and easy. Only one was injured; Lance. His left wrist was broken. The pain went unnoticed. Maybe from adrenaline. Maybe pain wasn't something he could feel anymore. By the time everyone was rescued and safe, his injury was purple and green and still unnoticed. Lance returned to the castle along with everyone else.

Lance no longer needed nor wanted recognition for his hard work. He realized it didn't matter anyways. Once Shiro returns to the Black lion, Keith will go back to Red, and Allura will stay with Blue.

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