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So, I've been in a shitty mood and a bunch of shit and schoolwork and family and school n shit has been just... shit. I'm working on the frequently requested Lance taken by galra and all that rn but I wanted to write something more free form so here you guys go.

I get that I'm not good enough.

I get that I talk to much.

I get that I'm rude.

I get that I'm unkind.

I get that I'm worthless.

I get that I can't do anything right.

I get that I'm a dumbass.

I get that I don't deserve any days off.

I get that I don't deserve happiness.

I get that I'm unwanted.

I get that Im a seventh wheel.

I get that I'm an extra.

I get that I'm a replacement.

I get that I'm not worth your time.

I get that I'm a nuisance.

I get that I'm a shitty son.

I get that I'm a freak.

I get that I don't work hard enough.

I get that I'm lazy.

I get that I'm a fucking idiot.

I get that I'm a waste of space.

I get that I'm not what you wanted.

I get that I'm a disappointment.

I get that I'm not perfect.

I get that I'm weak.

I get that I'm pathetic.

I get that I'm ugly.

I get that I don't try hard enough.

I get that I'm selfish.

I get that I'm not worth your effort.

I get that I only think of myself.

I get that I'm useless.

I get that I'm a piece of shit.

I get that I don't deserve love.

I get that I don't matter.

I get that my feelings are nothing.

I get that my words are worthless.

I get that my life means nothing.

I get that I'm obnoxious.

I get that I'm annoying.

I get that I'm stupid.

I get that I'm unneeded.

I get that I'm unnecessary.

I get that I'm not good enough.

I get why you don't care

I get why you don't need me

I get why you treat me like shit

I get why I'm nothing to you

I get why I'm not important

I get why nothing I do is good enough

I get why you think I'm annoying

I get why I'm worthless

I get why you don't love me

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