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This is a weird one but okay...

Signs Of Having A Haunted House;

1) Unexplained Noises

You hear doors slam and footsteps when you know it's not your family or anyone else. You see or have an encounter with lights switching themselves on or off. Items that you place in specific places are commonly moved, knocking persistently with no evidence of anyone near by or maybe even a scent that is not usually there.

2) Opening And Shutting...

You've went downstairs in the kitchen to get some food or a drink at night and you're gut feeling tells you that you shut the cupboard door but somehow it seems to be open. Or maybe you sleep with your bedroom door shut and somehow it becomes open, hopefully it was your parents checking in on you. How about if you tucked in your chair after sitting at the table and the next thing you know when you it's out and near the door.

3) Electronic Disturbances...

You're lying in bed watching something on the TV and you go downstairs for food you walk back up to find your TV has been turned off and the remote is still in the last place you had it. Or you are in a room and the light starts twitching, you change the bulb and it still happens.

4) Shadows....

I means this one is pretty self explanatory. But I have a real life encounter for this.

Me and my grandad was sitting in the bedroom playing a board game and I was getting sleepy so we turned on the TV (we had sky) and a notice kept coming up with most channels and it said something along the lines of please check your connection and retry later or something and we did and the weather was fine. So once we got some sort of channel sorted out

5) Abnormal Animal Behavior...

People say that children of a young age and dogs are able to sense particularly sensitive happenings with the sixth sense. But it's true, dogs and cats are able to sense things happening in the paranormal world.

So if your dogs are barking around certain areas of the house. Or your cats are following an invisible force with their eyes ~ you may have something strange going on.

6) Strange Dreams And Night Terrors..

Hypnagogia ~ also known as sleep paralysis can explain a lot of terrifying sensations happening in your house. If you awake to a feeling of a presence in your room or maybe you hear footsteps and even the feeling of a witch pressing down on your chest wanting to RIP out your guts and devour your heart in one!

Strange dreams involving people you haven't seen before or know about and recurring night terrors might be a sign of something strange afoot. Something might want to contact you, I'd check that out...

7) Unexplainable Feelings...

Dreams are one thing, this is another. Do you ever get the feeling that you are being watched? Do you feel as if there is someone in the room with you even though you know you are alone? Is that your teddy you touched or the strange presence you feel? If this happens in specific areas of your house, you know, you might have a haunted house. The usual....

8) A History Of Darkness....

Every house has a story, some darker than others. If your house has been around for a while, it may be worth learning about the history of it. You may find out that your house has been involved in demonic possession, murder or even suicide. If it comes in your family and maybe one of your relatives has died in it (I'm so sorry if that's a trigger). Than maybe they want to contact you? But all of these are said to increase the chances of having a haunted house. But having your house built on ancient Indian burial grounds is VERY bad luck....


Okay the last bit sounds pretty cool so in the next chapter if Amy doesn't post than I will be posting my house history if it has any lmao...

W/c-- 702

           Ellz X

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