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Automatic handwriting.

Right, so I wanted to do a really easy game for you guys.

It's about ghosts and it an easy way to contact them.

All you need is a pen , a bit of paper and a ghost.

First, you get the pen and place it in your hand loosely and so it's lightly touching the paper. Then, you ask questions and hopefully a ghost answers you back.

Anyway, I hate writing really small chapters so bad so I'm gonna ramble on about my experience with this...

Me and my auntie Jo were playing this in her bedroom early in the morning probably around 6am roughly. We decided to play it because the TV in my room turns it self on and off every night from 10pm on wards till probably maybe midnight. Now, my room at my grandma's house where I go every weekend and also where my auntie lives, that specific room, my room, is where my auntie Bessie died when I was about six. A lot of strange activity happens in this house. We have a glass pigeon on the top of a shelf and it was around what, maybe 11pm and my grandma, auntie and I were sitting downstairs in the kitchen where the event took place and the glass pigeon flew off the small shelf and shattered. All that night I was up thinking about the event that just occurred, with it being such a small shelf if it fell with only the force of gravity it shouldn't of smashed and shattered the way it did and I thought that obviously it was my auntie Bessie and it forcefully came down and broke so  me and my auntie thought it was my auntie Bessie. So that brings us back to the automatic handwriting thing. We've done it a couple of times and every other time we get someone random. We asked my auntie Bessie like what her real name was because she isn't actually called Bessie she's called Elizabeth and a few other personal question. Then this one time really creeped me out. We got a person called tony who was 89 and he died in world war II he told us his full story it was so weird and he gave us an address and we checked it out and it was a British address and he said some other things like how exactly the cabins were like and what guns he used. That's all that happened lmao.

WC- 423

         Ellz X

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