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HEYYYY! It's Ellie, basically the only person who actually tries and updates on here lmao. 

Today I will be writing a creepypasta about a phone number blah blah blah, ELLIE JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET ON WITH THE STUPID ASS STORY PISSY BUSSY ASS BITCH! Okay Jesus Christ, calm down. Sorry the demons come out some times oops.

sorta stole from the Creepypasta website but I changed it a little djiasfuhsakshd.


Everything all started really innocently enough, actually that innocent, it started with a phone call. I'd been up for a few hours, unpacking and cleaning. Waiting for the plumber to call.  I had just moved into a cabin and the contractors had fucked everything up. Because of that kind deal, I now have the wonderful task of making calls upon calls to competent people that can fix whatever the original contractors did wrong. 

The phone rang at 12:06.

Not bad, I thought. Usually plumbers don't bother to call or show up until 5. 

When I picked up the phone. I didn't even get the chance to say hello before women on the other line said "Please hold for the next available operator." With that, I hopped up and sat on the cabinet in the kitchen. It was one of the few places in my cabin that was not full of boxes. 

Elevator music leaked into my ear. I'd started to drowse off until the music stopped and a piano chord that sounded like three notes together that just sounded horrible and didn't fit in place with eachother played through the receiver twice. 

A voice came on the line.

"Welcome to Boothworld Industries. My name is Samantha and I will be your operator today, name?" I didn't know what to say so I told the operator my name. 

"Sir, we know who you are. I'm your operator. Please, give me a name to access."

"I don't understand," I said.

"It can be anyone, sir, just give us a name."

"Uh, okay," I said, on the spot, I literally just had came up with a name, "Harold Withers,"

"Sir, as your operator, I must point out the fictitious names, or the names of people who you don't know, cannot be used."

"Used for what?" I asked. How had she known that I had just made up the name? The whole thing just felt like a prank to me, but hardly anyone knew my phone number. 


"Remodelling? Is this the plumber?" I asked.

"Welcome to Boothworld Industries. My name is Samantha and I will be your operator today. Name?"

I took that as a yes and gave them the name of an old ex girlfriend. "Jessica Goodwin," 

I could hear clicking of the keyboard on the other end of the phone. It sounded like the woman was pounding the thing with her fists. After a few moments of this, she returned. 

"Jessica Goodwin," she said, " Remodelling is scheduled for August 21, 2015. Would you like to reschedule?"

I was silent on my side of the phone. I couldn't believe this. Someone had to be playing a sick prank on me. 

"Who is this? Is this you, Jessica? Are you playing a prank on me?" I asked. 

The women didn't respond for a long time. I thought that whoever was ont he other end of the line was holding in a laugh. 

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