Chapter 24: The Man Who can't be moved

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Getting the take out and drinks, Naruto was heading home with the radio on, the channel changed. He'll change it back when he gets there. Smiling to himself, the blond couldn't wait to see his parents' faces when they see the place.

Hearing his phone vibrate on the passenger seat with the food and drinks, he glanced over but didn't grab it. It was restricted, so he didn't bother picking it up also he was driving. Stopping at a stop sign, Naruto glanced at it once more, seeing a new voicemail flash on it.

"When I get home, I'll see who it was." The Uzumaki mumbled to himself as he went off toward the new house.

Parking the car with it still running, Naruto grabbed his phone and dialed the password, putting it to his ear afterwards. Hearing the voice that made his heart ache, the sapphire eyes widened. Closing it, staring at nothing, Naruto shook his head. "No, Sasuke I won't. I have Itachi."

Grabbing the bags, Naruto walked in to see Itachi half asleep on the couch, his head tossed back. He wasn't sure what got into him but Itachi seemed different because of his hair wasn't tied up like usual. "I have the food."

Itachi jerked his head up, eyes opening slowly with a nod. Rubbing his eyes, the Uchiha pushed himself off the couch and into where the dining room was going to be at. Watching Naruto set the objects down and pulling them out of the bags. He yawned.

"Today's been a long day." Itachi announced, receiving a nod from the blond as he walked back into the room. Something seemed different to him for some reason. "Is something the matter?"

"A little . . ." Naruto trailed off, his teeth holding his bottom lip still so it wouldn't tremble. He couldn't believe that his ex – who he thought he could trust with all his heart – wanted him back even if he had a slut to take care of. Looking up into the raven eyes, he shook his head. "Sasuke called me with a restricted number. Said that he threw your uncle out of the house with help from the cops. He also wanted to talk to you about him."

Raising an eyebrow at his love's words, it sounded like Sasuke was trying to get back on Naruto's good graces so he can get back with him even if he was taken. Sitting down on a chair that wasn't cluttered, he sighed. "Why would he want to talk to me now? He hurt you and me in a way that it can't be forgiven. I know you still love him as a friend, I can see it in your eyes but he had a child."

"He might want to work in the company so he can support for the child. Yeah, I hate him for what he did but I can only be angry with it, not despise him for it. If it comes down to it, I want our kids to know each other." Naruto dreamed, smiling as he handed the herbal tea to his love along with what he ordered.

Clearing off a chair, Naruto sat down and started on his meal. While he thought of his past love, he also thought about other things. He was different from other men in a way. Yeah, he had a penis and was able to produce children but he also was different in another way. He could have a child; his parents told him when he started going through puberty. It was rare for some people to have it happen but he was one of them. For some reason, his sexual organs didn't develop fully into a male but left him with some essence of a female. It was confusing.

"Itachi, can I tell you something that I haven't told anyone?" Naruto asked, sticking his chopsticks into the rice that had beef in it. Looking up, he saw that he held the Uchiha's attention, waiting for him to finish chewing so he didn't cause him to choke.

"What is it Naruto-kun?"

"When I tell you, will you still love me?" Naruto asked, hoping that he'll answer it and be okay with the news. "When Oka-san was pregnant with me, I-I didn't develop fully. Believe it or not I can have kids like a woman at times. It depends. I don't have a period like women but I can bear children."

Blinking, Itachi stared at him, wondering why he was bringing it up now. Putting his hands on the table, Itachi rose from the table, strolling over to the blond. Grabbing him, Itachi held him, feeling the warm breath on his taunt stomach. "I don't care if you were born female or male or both. I'll still love you no matter what."

"My parents just tell me that I can't have kids so I don't think about it. It's weird when I think about it. It makes me feel unhuman when I truly am. No one else knows about it except the family. Now you know."

"I can't wait then. I won't have you until I marry you. I'm that kind of man and trust me, when it happens I can't wait for a child." Itachi whispered, running his piano fingers through the blond locks that was his love's. Sasuke didn't know of this which made it kinda weird.

"If I said I want you now, would you have me?" Naruto asked, looking up with his chin resting on the clothed stomach.

"It depends." Itachi said, hugging the blond then letting him go so they can continue eating.

Staring at the rice that was in his chopsticks, Naruto sighed. It felt like a weight was off his shoulders and was looking forward to what Itachi said. If he could hold a child to full term then maybe they can be a proper family. He couldn't wait to tell his parents.

Itachi took a drink from the can that held his tea, staring at the grin that came across the tanned face. Maybe, just maybe.

It might have turned weird but it's happened in history I think. So please review. :)

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