Chapter 36: Always Together

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Naruto got back home with both his friends waving to him, hollering that he should call and text them more. Nodding and waving back to his friends, Naruto strolled up the walkway and into the house. He knew something was wrong from that moment.

Madara was in the house when that man didn't have a key or knew of the place. How did he find them? He wanted to know. Then he noticed Itachi's face paler then normal with his hands gripping at something that was close to his body.

"What did you do to him?" Naruto screamed, rushing over and throwing himself onto the older Uchiha. This caused the man to pull away, falling to the floor along with Itachi falling onto the small coffee table. Looking down at the hands, they were red. "What did you do to him you bastard?"

"Taking back what's mine." Madara hissed, pushing the blond off him and raced out of the house. He'll finish the job sooner or later.

Forcing himself to get up, Naruto felt his knees aching from the rough landing the older Uchiha made him take but it didn't matter. With his breaths coming out in gasps and pants, Naruto raced over to Itachi who was still clutching whatever was in his hands.

Itachi's breathing wasn't even, he was also panting from the waves of pains that were rolling through his body. He wanted to know how his uncle – his estranged uncle – got into their home when all the doors were locked. He even made sure the basement door was locked with something heavy in front of it.

Feeling Naruto's touch, Itachi opened his squinting eyes to stare into the frightened blond's eyes. Reaching up, feeling his hand warm from his own blood, he touched the scarred cheek and smiled. "Get help."

Nodding, Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled his phone out before Itachi said something, "don't use that. I know I sound difficult with this but use the home phone."

Naruto raced toward the cordless phone and dialed the emergency number, putting it to his ear. He explained what happened, telling them to hurry because he didn't know how bad it was and scared to pull the blade out.

Watching the teen pace with his eyes on him, he could also see the tears welling up in the eyes that held his attention. Taking a deep breath, knowing it was a stupid idea but he had to, the injured Uchiha pulled the blade out from the wound that the man made. Letting it out in a hiss and pain intensifying slightly, he reached for something to keep the blood from flowing as it was now.

Naruto wanted to protest from what his love did but couldn't. He had to stay by the door for the paramedics which seemed to take forever to him. It had to be adrenaline that was making him feel that way. It had to be. Biting his thumb to keep his frightened tears back, Naruto paced a little more as he heard the distant sound of sirens along with the loud clap of thunder.

Throwing open the door, Naruto stared at the sky for a second then moved back into the house to watch over his lover.

Itachi answered the questions they asked the best he could but all he wanted to do was get to the hospital and out. He wanted to get into the stretcher himself but they wouldn't let him. Feeling them pick up on his body, he was put onto the white sheets while another worked on cutting his shirt so they could get a clear area to work with and to access the damage.

Naruto grabbed the keys of the Toy and followed after the vehicle that had his Uchiha in it. He wasn't sure if he should call his parents or anyone because Naruto didn't want to call Sasuke. It would be breaking the restraining order. Shaking his head, he put a little more speed to the car to keep up with the ambulance that was heading to the hospital. "Just be okay."

Itachi laid there, looking at the ceiling that was white much to his dismay. With oxygen on – he didn't see any point at it – he answered the questions they asked. They were going to start putting fluids in him which was right because he felt the rubber band cut into his arm to let them find a vein to work with.

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