im (not) a goner

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Josh Pov

Ive spent the last 2 weeks sitting in the hospital not wanting to leave my best friends side, i couldnt lose him and i-i-if i did.. i mean i dont know what i would do with myself. This past weeks havent been the best i was so stressed and was worrying what if Tyler didnt wake up, What if he really was gone, i-i mean i didnt even wanna imgaine losing him.

"O-oh my god" I whispered right beside Tylers face, "You're awake!" I didnt care about anything else in the world right now I reached out and hugged him and held him tight in my grip not wanting to let go and protect my fragile best friend. As i layed With his head on my chest I whispered In his ear "Please Tyler never try and leave me again or I will personally Kill you if you die" Which let out a small giggle from Tyler. Oh god how i missed his mesmorising laugh, it was so happy pure and genuine, there was just something about it. Tyler is truly beautiful and amazing im glad he's my best friend. 

"O-okay le-e-t me" He tried saying through his laugh "get this straight yo-u ran away from home b-b-because you dropped a grape?" he said laughing with a tear in his eye from laughing. I looked at him with sad shameful eyes and answered "yes..." He lost it and he said he could barely breath in between his laughs. Ah how i longed for this tyler back this is thr first time he actually look happy in months. "Tyler.." I questioned "Yea Josh" He smiled "Please dont ever do that again... I cant afford to lose you, would you stay alive? for me? Im sorry your life turned out this way a-and" i just lost it and i got up and just hugged Tyler. "Josh S'okay" he tried to comfort "It isnt your fault and i cant promise but i can try.." he said "Oh-okay I-i l- am glad you'll at least try for me." "Of course your my best friend"

Stay Alive (For me) - A joshler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now