Chapter 4 - Training

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For the past three days, we have learnt all the skills we will need for the games in the training centre. I was intimidated by all the other tributes. Except for one: the girl from 12. I don't know what it is about her, but she seems nicer than the rest. By the second day, I was shadowing her, watching how she did things then trying them myself. She seemed to be good at everything she tried. I wish I could be like that. I have a feeling she noticed me but if she did, she was okay with it. She never told me to go away, even smiled at me from time to time. Hopefully I can pay her back in the arena - she helped me learn in the training centre and being from District 11, I'm not one for favors to go unpaid.

It was the girl from 12 who inspired me to do it. I also sort of wanted to get back at him for being so rude to the other tributes. Besides, he left the knife on the floor, where anyone could take it. So I did. I took it and climbed up onto the roof, strapping myself into the netting. He would never notice. Why would anyone think to look up?

"Hey!" he shouts at one of the other boys. "What did you do to my knife?"

"I swear I didn't touch it!" the other boy says, terrified.

I suppose I feel a bit bad, but the girl from 12's face as she looks up and notices me is so worth it. She grins up at me and I smile back. I remain as I am until the two boys are dragged apart and everyone has dispersed before climbing down and putting the knife back where I found it. He'll never know it was me.

Now it's the third and final day and I am confident that I can give the gamemakers a good show in the private training sessions. District 11 is second-last and there are only three people after me. I can only hope the gamemakers are still interested enough in me to give me a good score.

"Rue Flo, District 11."

After what feels like forever, it's my turn to go in. Katniss gives me a reassuring smile as I stand and leave the dining room. The training centre is unnaturally silent. Normally, it is filled with the sound of tributes training and working hard towards the imminent games. Not today, though. It's just me now.

It doesn't take me long to gather everything I need: a small slingshot, some ammunition in the form of small rocks, and a rope. Now, to start my presentation.

I walk to the climbing station and immediately launch myself up the hardest net. When I reach the top, I tie the rope around my waist and crawl along until I reach the middle of the room. From up here, I can see a variety of human-shaped targets. Now all I have to do is shoot a few of them really accurately and then climb back down. Simple, right?

I strap myself into position with the rope and take aim. If I miss this one, I'll lose their attention; my key to survival. I release the rock and hit the dummy smack in the middle of the head. I reload and aim at another dummy. Fire. Hit. Take aim. Fire. Hit. It becomes a pattern which seems as if it will never end. It does, eventually, because I run out of ammunition. Must be time to come down. I unravel the rope around my waist until the only thing still attached to the roof is a single, strong knot.

And I let go.

The next thing I know, I'm back on the ground. I untie myself and risk a glance up at the gamemakers. Judging by the looks of some of them, they look pretty impressed.

"You can go, now," one of them tells me.

"Thank-you," I reply and head for the door.


Before long, it's time for the scores to be announced. I'm nervous. The higher the score, the more sponsors. And the more sponsors, the more likely you are to survive; the more likely it is that I will get home and see my family again. Perhaps I shouldn't get my hopes up too much.

The whole team is gathered around the televison, ready to see how well we did.

"Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the score announcement for the 74th Hunger Games," Caesar Flickerman, the hunger games' interview host begins.

"Tonight, we recognise the talents of this years' tributes! First up, Marvel from District 1..."

Of course, the career districts, 1, 2 and 4, do well. Thresh does well, too, with a score of 10. He's even better than some of the careers!

"Congratulations, Thresh!" Amanda says and attempts to pull him into a hug, with no avail. Everyone else congratulates him, too. He deserves it.

"Rue Flo, from District 11..."

It's my turn. I squeeze my eyes shut and hope for a good score.

"with a score of..."

Please be good. Please be good. Please be good...


Eight. I got an eight!

"Congratulations Rue!" Amanda yells and gives me a huge hug. Everyone is smiling and congratulating me for my success but I can't help staying attentive to the television for one last score: the girl from 12's.

"Last but not least, Katniss Everdeen, the Girl on Fire, from District 12..."

I bet she did really well. She is good at everything.


Everyone freezes in shock.

"No one has ever gotten an eleven..." Chaff whispers, breaking the silence.

"Wow..." I can't help saying. I mean, I thought Katniss was good, but I didn't know she was THAT good...

"Right," Amanda breaks the silence. "You two should go off to bed. We have a big day tomorrow with the interviews and all."

I follow her instructions, glad to be heading for bed at last.

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