Chapter 7 - The Games

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As soon as the games begin, I sprint for the woods. I don't even bother trying to grab something from the cornucopia even though it was very tempting. I know that if I had gone in there, I would already be dead. My plan is to just run until I feel safe. I need to stay as far away from the other tributes as possible. They are sure to kill me and so the further I am from them, the more likely it is that I will survive. The only tribute I hope to see is Katniss. Seeing Peeta would be okay, too, I suppose but I don't think he'd take me on as an ally. Who am I kidding? What makes me think Katniss will even take me on? Maybe because of her sister she will have the heart to help me.

I walk the whole day until I find a river where I take a long drink. Here seems like a good place to camp for a while. There's water and it's pretty far from the cornucopia. I can stay hidden pretty well in the trees, too. Most importantly, I feel like I will be safe here. My first step is to get food. I have gathered for my family my whole life so I shouldn't have a problem doing the same here. I'll also need somewhere to store the food - a large leaf would be good but if I can't find that then I can probably bury them in the ground without wrapping them. At least I can wash them in the river.

I take a few steps from the river and spot a berry bush. Unfortunately upon inspection they turn out to be nightlock - a very poisonous berry which will kill immediately. Perhaps I'll have more luck away from the river.

It doesn't take me long to gather enough food for a few meals. I eat some berries and leaves for dinner and then bury the rest underneath the tree I plan to make my home at least for a few days or until other tributes find me. I climb the tree and settle down for a nights rest, hoping that I won't fall out and that no one will find me.


The next two days fly past. Nothing really happens, I just keep myself alive. On the first of the two days, I find a small backpack which has some spare socks and other things in it. That was helpful.

On the third day in the afternoon, I am exploring a little further than usual when I hear a crackling. It is a familiar sound though I can't place where it is from. It's not until too late that I realise: fire.

I run as fast as I can back towards the river. It is extremely hot and the flames lick at my heels as I run. In my rush, I don't see the branch until it's too late. I trip and land face first into the ground. The flames come threateningly close and I scream as my arm is burnt by the heat. I get up as fast as I can and continue running. There. The river. I finally made it.

I leap into the water and sigh as it touches my arm. I'm safe. I manage to swim back over to my side of the river and make it up into my tree. Then, I notice them. I hear them first but it doesn't take them long to come into my field of view. The careers. The tributes I fear the most. They're chasing someone but I'm too far away to see who. I might investigate later when they are asleep.

They stop underneath a tree not too far from mine. I watch as one of them tries to climb the tree and laugh as they collapse back down. If there's one benefit to being small and light, it's that I can climb almost any tree! One of the girls then tries to shoot their victim but is obviously not competent with a bow as she misses. Oh well, she did better than I would have.

It gets dark and they all huddle around their campfire. This is my chance to get closer. I think it might be Katniss in the tree there and if I can, I need to fulfil my promise to myself: that I would help her if I got the chance. I leap through the trees, flying across the distance between us in no time at all. As I get closer, I realise that I'm right: it is Katniss in the tree. Now. How can I help her. She climbs a little higher and I notice the key to her escape. A tracker jacker nest right above her head. All she has to do is drop it down on the unsuspecting careers and bam. Escape. Plus she can injure them in the process! It's perfect!

I rustle in the trees and whisper her name.


I somehow get her attention. She sees me and smiles with recognition. I point above her head and she looks up, hopefully noticing the tracker jackers. I then make a sawing motion and point up again. I have to do this a few times but then she gets it and climbs up to the branch containing the nest. I melt back into the tree and watch as the anthem comes on and she begins to saw away at the branch. When the anthem finishes, she is forced to give up for fear of the careers hearing and she heads to bed. I should do the same. I jump back through the trees and arrive back at my camp to get some sleep. Hopefully I can ally with Katniss tomorrow.

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