Chapter 6 - Let the 74th Hunger Games Begin

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The next morning, I wake early, having already said my goodbyes to Amanda, Chaff and Seeder last night. When I wake, Tanna is standing by the door, waiting.

"Sorry," I say, "I'm coming!"

She smiles and shakes her head. "Don't worry, Rue," she says, "take your time."

I head to the bathroom and quickly change into pants and a shirt and pull on a jacket. When I return to my room, Tanna is still waiting.

"Ready to go, Rue?" she asks.

"Yeah," I say and head for the door. As I pass the chair behind my bed, I notice the dress.

"Oh!" I exclaim. "I need to send the dress back home!"

Tanna smiles. "I'll do it when I get back," she promises, "I'll even write it on my hand, okay?"

I nod in response and she writes a note on her hand.

"Let's go!" she exclaims and we head out the door and up the lift to the roof.

At the top, I notice a hovercraft waiting for us with two ladders dangling down. I step on one and Tanna steps onto the other. Immediately, we are frozen in place and the ladders are lifted up into the hovercraft.

I am pulled in a room separate to Tanna. I try to get up but the ladder still has me frozen in place.

"Hold still," someone says behind me in a Capitol accent, "this is just your tracker. It will hurt a little."

I scream as the lady sticks a huge needle into my arm. I've always been afraid of needles.

As soon as she's done, the ladder unfreezes and I am free to go. I just lie on the ground for a little while, sobbing. That was terrible. Please someone tell me I never ever ever have to do that again! Eventually, I get up and go through the open door to be with Tanna.

"Are you okay?" She asks as she sees my tear-stained face.

"Yeah," I say, "I'm just scared of injections..."

"It's okay," she says and gives me a hug, "it's over now."

I nod and take a seat next to the window. I suppose they will black out the view when we get close but I can see till then.

The hovercraft suddenly starts moving and I watch as the Capitol shrinks below me and vanishes into the distance. We travel over wide stretches of forest and open plains until the window is blacked out. We must be close.

Suddenly, the nerves really set in. Is this the last day I'll ever live? I hope not. I hope to at least get to the second or third day, if not further!

The hovercraft comes to a stop and two ladders are dropped for Tanna and I. We climb down them into the stockyards, as we call them in District 11. Really it is the release centre or something like that but it reminds us of animals going to slaughter so stockyards is its nickname.

Tanna passes me a t-shirt, some pants, a jacket and some boots to put on.

"Judging by the fabric and the clothing choice," she explains as I pull on the outfit, "the arena might be cold at night."

I nod.

Ten seconds to launch.

I give Tanna one last hug before stepping onto the glass tube which will take me to the arena.

"Good luck, Rue," Tanna says and smiles sadly, "I really hope to see you again."

"Thanks for everything," I say.

Launch commencing. Stylists, please stand clear.

Tanna waves and smiles as the glass closes around me and the disk starts rising. I am surprised by the sudden movement but quickly calm myself. I'll be okay.

The disk clicks into place and I look around at the arena. It is essentially a forest. The cornucopia is in a large clearing. Behind me and to my left, there are lots of trees. That's where I'll be heading. To my right, there is a large lake and behind the cornucopia in front of me there is a cliff. Perhaps I can explore down there, too.

3... 2... 1...

Let the 74th Hunger Games begin.

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