Chapter 5 - Last Chance

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Training flew by. In fact, this whole week has just disappeared! Today is the last day. It's my last chance to make an impression.

"So today, you will both have a session with me and you will both have a session with Seeder or Chaff," Amanda tells us at breakfast. "I will help you with presentation and your victors will help you with content. Rue, you start with me."

As soon as I am done eating, Amanda leads the way off to my room.

"So," Amanda begins as she takes a seat at the end of my bed, "go put these on and we'll practice how you will present yourself, okay?"

I nod and take the black case which is draped over the chair opposite my bed. Once in the bathroom, I open the case to find a long, white dress. It's not really my type of dress so I hope it's not the one I have to wear tonight. I must admit, if I did have to wear one like this, I think I would trip on it.

Opinions aside, I change into the dress and head back out to Amanda. She hands me a pair of shoes as soon as I step out the door.

"Put these on, too," she instructs me, "and then we can practice walking as if we are on the stage in front of the whole of Panem! Isn't that exciting?"

To be honest, the thought terrifies me but I don't say anything. I just put the ridiculously high heels on and walk clumsily to the door.

"Just come in when you are ready, Rue, and I'll let you know how you do!"

I close the door behind me and practice walking a little in the long dress and heels so I don't make a fool of myself in front of Amanda. She walks in shoes like this all the time! I wonder how she does it?

I eventually get the hang of walking from so high up. If I put my weight all on the balls of my feet then I stay totally balanced! Feeling confident, I open the door to my room and walk in towards Amanda. Just as I am about to sit down, I trip over the tiniest of bumps in the carpet and I land in Amanda's lap.

"Sorry," I say, embarrassed. I didn't think about the fact that my room is covered in carpet while the outside corridor is wooden pannels.

"That's okay, darling," Amanda says and helps me back up. "Try again."

I walk back out the door without a problem: I know where that silly bump is now! Just before I go back in, I practice walking up and down the corridor a couple more times for confidence then I try again.

This time, I successfully walk to Amanda and take a seat. She smiles at me as I sit down.

"Good job, Rue," she says, "I think you've got the hang of that!"

I can't help but smile at her praise.

"Next, we will practice sitting and talking, okay? It's harder than it sounds!" she says.

I nod and wait for her next instruction. As I wait, she observes my position and I immediately sit up straighter, knowing she will probably say something about that.

"Good, you corrected your posture," she says to me. "Now just hold your head a little higher and keep your feet firmly on the floor if you can."

I lift my head and try to place my feet on the floor but I am just too short. I frown.

"That's okay if you can't, Rue," she says, noticing my disappointment, "just make sure your legs don't swing too much, alright?"

I nod at her again and she smiles.

"Good. There isn't really a lot I have to do with you in terms of appearance, Rue. You seem like you know what you're doing. Besides, it wouldn't surprise me if Seeder wanted to portray you as shy but still confident in yourself."

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