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I woke up the next morning went down stairs saw my dad and ran out the front door I ran down the street I didn't know where to go all of my friends would make fun of me if they found out so I ran to the school I couldn't get the image out of my head my dad and another man kissing it just kept replaying in my head over and over again I get to the school I sit on this old bench right next to the main entrance I sat there for about 30 minutes and I see Danielle walk out she looks at me and I look at her what are you doing here I said i have detention she replied I ask for what for recording this fight that happened last week between Kathy and noemi I heard about that fight I heard noeni won but once I saw the video it was obvious Kathy beat her ass Danielle laughed and she said so what are you doing here I said oh I was just walking around well my ride isnt here yet so can we walk around together we walked around the school talking about our lives and I told her what it's like to be popular and how I'm always peir pressured and everything like that she told me about her and how she always thought it was fun to be popular a hour passed isn't your parents picking you up yeah I told them to pick me up and hour ago parents are the best she said sarcastically I know how you feel what about you she said what about me your parents well my mom and dad got into a fight and my mom moved out and I found out yesterday my dad is gay and he is dating a man that's not that bad she replied it's the worst I can't have a fucking homo for a dad she got quiet then she said In a dad voice at least you have a dad I looked at her confused my dad died when I was 11 he was my best friend he would do anything for me then he died from lung cancer I'm so sorry I'm just saying your very lucky you even have a dad we kept walking and we talked for about 4 hours we had a lot in common I never thought I could be best friends with a non popular girl her parents picked her up and they asked if I needed a ride home I told them no I was just going to walk I walked home slow thinking about everything dayane told me when I got home it was about 12 o'clock in the morning the light was on in the living room I walked in seeing my dad on the couch he look at me right when I opened the door and got up and ran to me saying I was worried sick where were you all day I didn't speak for a minute then I said I'm sorry very quietly and he said it's ok I'm just glad your ok I went upstairs to my bedroom and feel asleep right away.

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