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Hinata's POV

I woke up super early with my bag on my back and standing at the Konoha gates. I yawned as I saw Ino approaching me, "Hey Ino" I said drowsily, "Hey Hina" she replied just as tired.

"INO!! HINA!!" I heard Tenten yell making her screaming louder as she got closer. "w-what?" we answered alarmed, "Ino, me and Sakura need to talk to you for a sec" she said dragging Ino away and standing behind a bush with Sakura. they were probably telling her about my situation.

I'm actually really scared to go on this mission... He probably wont even talk to me. But I cant abandon a mission just because of my own personal wants.

I sighed sadly as I saw Kakashi Sensei walk over to me with Naruto behind him. "Hina!" Ino yelled running up to be with tears brimming her eyes, "don't worry my child I'll protect you" she said hugging me. "thanks Ino" I said sadly.

Sakura and Tenten joined the hug with me and Ino. I don't really know what Naruto and Kakashi are thinking right now but I don't care. At least my friends understand me, they really are amazing.

"bye Hina, good luck" Sakura said with a sad smile "bye Ino, Bye Hina" Tenten said after hugging us.

"alright! let's head on out" Kakashi said "wait! Kakashi what Is the mission?" Ino asked following everyone out the gates, "we're going to the land of waves to return a powerful weapon" Kakashi stated holding up a small kunai and shuriken combination of some sort, "what do you mean? it doesn't look powerful at all" Naruto said confused "well, it's a bit more complex than that but that's classified information, and I want you guys to watch out because they Hokage told us that there will be rouge ninja our way" Kakashi stated.

Me and Ino stayed behind Kakashi and Naruto because we didn't want to be near Naruto too much because I felt terrified that he would get mad at me, My depression obviously showed on my face because Kakashi asked if I was okay, I just nodded and went back to moping next to Ino.


"Lets take a break here" Kakashi said laying against a tree. we all went our separate ways and thought to ourselves, Ino came with me behind a near by waterfall. "wow this is so cool" I said running my hand through the waterfalls current "yeah! this is like our own little hide out, for an hour or two anyway" she giggled.

we just sat down looking at the waterfall in silence. "Hey Hina?" Ino said still staring at the waterfall "yeah?" I replied laying down looking at the rock ceiling "did Naruto break your heart?" she asked sadly, I closed my eyes and thought for a few seconds "yeah... but I still love him with all the little pieces" I sighed and we sat in comfortable silence until we decided to head back to Kakashi and Naruto.

"We're back" I said with a dull voice, "Ah welcome back girls! ready to get back to the mission" Kakashi said, we nodded and looked around for Naruto "where's the baka?" Ino asked, I frowned at her and turned back to Kakashi, "he's resting in a tree somewh-"


"Ow" I mumbled laying face down in the dirt, "S-sorry Hinata" Naruto said getting off of me, I guess he fell from a tree and landed on me, "no problem" I said almost inaudible. "Naruto! what the heck?! haven't you hurt Hina enough?" Ino said  frustrated "I-Ino it's fine, he didn't mean to I-" "No Hina, he broke your heart and I promised Sakura I'd protect you" she said sadly, "Ino it's okay, you are protecting me, and him falling on me isn't a big deal" I said calming her down.

"Well... I don't know what's happening but let's not let it interfere with the mission" Kakashi sensei said and started walking with all of us following. but this time, Naruto was in the back.

Naruto POV

I know Ino... I have hurt her enough, and Sakura's words really hit me.

I just. I don't know if I can really trust a lot of people, but my heart is telling me to believe her but my brain is telling me to trust no one...

I need to apologies to her. but what if she hates me, I know she thinks I hate her but I don't. I still love her and I was just so afraid of being broken that I lashed out on her and. left her.

"Okay, the Hokage said that the rogue ninja's have been traveling around in multiple villages and have been killing for fun so keep an eye out" Kakashi said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hey um Ino, can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked tapping her shoulder. she let out a frustrated sigh and walked back to me, "what is it?" she asked, "I-I don't know what to do with Hinata" I said sadly, "well apparently she still loves you, you don't know how much you mean to her! she's loved you since forever, even when everyone treated you like a monster she was there loving you and when you finally love her back you believe some liar over the one person who loves you over all. that's a great person if you ask me" she stated crossing her arms, "I know... and I was so stupid to believe Valerie over Hinata but I guess I didn't want to get hurt again and I didn't think straight... but now she thinks I hate her but that's far from true because I love her more than anything" I mumbled.

"Maybe you should tell that to her" Ino suggested and walked back to Hinata. Maybe I should. and I think when we make it to the land of waves I'll tell her I'm sorry and that she is my world. But what if she rejects me? or wont forgive me?!

Although from what Ino said she still loves me...

once I get her back I'll never let her go, and I'll treat her just like she treats me, and she treats me like a king so I better be getting some money to buy her things.

"Rogue Ninja's!" Kakashi yelled, "Ino use your-"



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Hehe! Yas cliffhanger~ I'm evil but who cares I'll probably update on Wednesday.

anyway Bai!! 

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