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Hinata's POV

"Okay Hina. did you seriously just except his apology?" Sakura asked "yeah" I replied "but what he did to you was horrible" Tenten said "b-but-" "Hina, we know you love him but he believed some girl over you" Sakura said sadly "y-yes but he said he loves me! his apology meant everything to me" I mumbled "you guys. Naruto means it this time" Ino stated "but Ino he-" "no Sakura. I never saw him so down before. when he was talking to me he seemed so regretful and real" Ino said "alright. as long as he never does something that stupid again" Sakura sighed "yeah Okay" Tenten said.

"uh where are we going anyways?" I asked "My house!" Tenten said happily "oh okay" I smiled and we followed her down the streets.

"here we are!" Tenten chimed running into her living room, "so what now?" Ino asked already searching Tenten's fridge, "We're just gonna hang out for a bit I guess. is there anything you want to do?" Tenten asked facing me and Sakura "not really, relaxing sounds fine" I shrugged while Sakura gave a slight nod. "alright! Ino! get the food! Sakura blankets! Hina get the pillows!" "on it sir" we said in unison with a laugh and ran off to get the supplies.

I ran up to the third floor passing Sakura on the way and wandered around the dark halls, actually it was quite scary like something out of a horror movie. I occasionally felt eyes on me but shrugged it off because it was probably just Sakura trying to prank me or something.

"Ah pillows!" I said in triumph as I walked into a room full of large fluffy pillows. I looked around the room for the coolest pillows and ended up finding a very scary statue... A clown statue? why would Tenten have that in here? let alone in the house?

Well I'm just gonna get the pillows fast so I don't have to see that again. it scares the crap out of me. I have shivers just being in the same room as that thing. I grabbed as many pillows as I could and started to walk out, but before I could close the door I heard a small shuffle...

My first instinct was to look at the clown statue. why? because it's terrifying and if it's real I'll scream. I glanced at it only to see it tipped over. and blinking.

I dropped the pillows and ran as fast as I could down the stairs. I knew it was following me and was pretty close behind because I heard the floorboards bang from the impact behind me.

"Sakura! Tenten!" I screamed jumping down the stairs and grabbing a kunai out of my pocket, "what's wrong?" they asked looking in my direction. "where's Ino?" I asked standing in a fighting position. "she's gathering food on the first floor" Tenten said confused "Tenten why do you have a living flipping clown in your house?" I panicked hearing footsteps come down the stairs "I-I don't Hina what are you talking about?" Tenten answered clearly afraid, "get ready to fight" Sakura warned grabbing a shuriken, "r-right" Tenten replied grabbing her scrolls. "byakugan" I whispered and quietly waited for the clown to come down.

The clown walked slowly down the stairs with a sickening smile. more like a perverted smile but either way we were taking him down. I don't know how but clowns scare me more than anything else. The clown stopped in front of us and just stared "w-what d you want? why are you here?" I asked stepping back a bit, he didn't answer but instead started creating electricity from his hands. "w-what is this?" "I don't know!" I answered stunned. "we don't have time for this!" Sakura yelled charging at the clown with her fists ready to punch.

but instead of landing a blow on him there was a wall of electricity that surrounded him sending Sakura flying against a wall, "Sakura!" I yelled getting distracted, "the hyuga clan" the clown said in a distinct voice, "w-what do you want with her?" Tenten asked angrily "byakugan" He answered charging toward us.

I cant hit him.

Ill be thrown back like Sakura.

Me and Tenten can't lay a blow on him...

only a fool would enter a fight they cant win... guess that makes me a fool because without thinking I charged forward as well. "Gentle step twin lion fist!" I yelled penetrating the shield of electricity. I hit his most sensitive chakra point without stopping. but it seemed to have no effect on him. I stopped in my tracks realizing that I was next to him trapped around the shield of electricity.

I saw Tenten screaming something while throwing her weapons at the shield but to no avail. one thing stuck out to me though. I couldn't hear her. why couldn't I hear. the only thing I actually heard was  the weapons hitting the shield. "the byakugan will fall" is all I heard before I couldn't hear anything at all. before I blacked out I saw his ninja headband was from the sound village. the sound symbol was crossed out. he was a rouge ninja. crap.

Naruto's POV

"H-how is she?" I asked panicking in the hospital room, "well, her byakugan is still fine because of how fast Sakura got you so you could break the barrier but..." Tsunade paused "but what?" I yelled, "the ninja was from the sound. and until she wakes up, we have no idea if she can still hear... when you brought her to me her ears were already leaking with blood" she stated sadly,

my whole body froze and time seemed to stop. she just got back from a dangerous mission last night! I already lost her once, then I thought I was going to lose her a second time and now I don't know if she can hear! what if she cant?

I would still love her the same but our time spent together would be different. and she wouldn't be able to handle hard mission or barely missions at all if she cant hear the enemy coming...

"we captured the sound ninja but we will have to do something about him because he's too strong" Kakasi stated waking into the room with Ino, Sakura, and Tenten behind him. "How is she?" Ino asked. I explained everything to them, "t-that's slightly good news" Sakura said sadly "b-but hey! we still don't know yet. maybe she can still hear" Tenten said trying to bring hope into the conversation, "maybe... but that's a fifty, fifty chance." Ino said with a sigh.

we'll just have to wait until she wakes up then...

please be okay Hina.


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so yes ur probably thinking "well that escalated quickly" and yes it did. I'm trying to rush and finish this because I have a lot of stories to finish and this one is my least favorite and I still have more idea's I want to write down but I refuse to post them until I'm done with these ones. anyway,


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