Where am I?

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There I was on a big table...I wasn't moving and I seemed dead...that's before someone walked in the room carrying a pink...heart? I was cut open in the chest as they applied the pink heart inside me. I started to move then I rose I was confused, where was I? I looked up at the person who applied the heart they were tall with a white lab coat then I looked at the two other entities in the room one was a little shorter than me with a blue sweater and the other one was quite tall and they had a red scarf. I smiled as I stood and looked in a mirror. I went by the name "Sketch" it was a interesting name but I liked it. I was with the one with the blue sweater most of the time. "Heya I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton." He said to me. I smiled and said "hello" back. The tall one was nice he was always excited most of the time and he was funny his name was Papyrus! I never got to the name of my creator but he was always in his lab and didn't talk much. I would sometimes like to explore and make friends and one day I met this nice lady who made good pies her name was Toriel but told me to call her Tori. I also met a nice scientist and she would always talk about something called anime. Her name was Alphys. My friends and family were fun and sweet I once went to a nice flower patch with a big hole at the top and sun light would always shine there when I went but I once went there and saw someone. They didn't look like me or my friends the had red/pink cheeks, red eyes and a yellow striped shirt. They were holding something Toriel uses to cut her pie called a knife, it was sharp and dangerous. The small child lifted their head and stood up then walked to me. "Hi! I'm Sketch!" I said holding out my hand. "I'm Chara..." they said taking my hand as I pulled them up off the nice now trampled on patch of flowers.

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