Chapter Two

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"You are joking aren't you?" I say looking at Hayley.

"Oh come one Dare." Hayley whines,"It makes sense."

"This is a road trip!" I exclaim,"Our road trip. The one we, WE have been planning since we were twelve. I cannot believe you are being so selfish."


"You know what screw this." I say snatching the ticket from her hand,"I'll talk you later."

With that I stalk off and disappear into the cobbled streets of Rome.I mean the trip was going fine. Rome was beautiful and absolutely breathtaking. Even Hayley and Dave's lovey dovey attitude and their absolute need to take a selfie of themselves every two minutes as I had refused to take their picture after the first ten.

I tried my best to be cheerful despite everything and hog on the pizza and see the beautiful sites and ignore the fact that I was practically invisible in this trip but Hayley crossed the limits completely.

"So Dave and I were thinking if we could take a train directly to Venice from here. Its supposed to be super romantic."

And to top it all off she was already ready with the tickets as if I had no choice in this.

So I did what I did best: to run away from the problem.

I sit down on the park bench letting my purse fall onto the ground as I bury my head into my hands.

Big mistake.

My mind swirls with thoughts and most of them are filled with anger, bitterness and jealousy.

I am jealous of my best friend and the fact that she has someone who loves her. However short that maybe it is yet something that makes me so incredibly jealous.

I am not sure if its because Dave loves her or the fact that she has the capability of trusting a person and loving them soo much.

I don't.

I finally get up and reach for my purse to call Hayley and finally give in to her trip but my hand grasps only air.


I check everywhere as a sudden sense of panic overwhelms me. My mobile, passport and the majority of my cash was in it except for the five hundred euro note that I had kept in my backpack which was currently resting on my shoulders with all of my clothes.

I am so stupid. I had just carelessly thrown my purse on the ground not even stopping to think that it may get stolen.The train ticket.I don't know any details nothing. What station they are in, absolutely nothing.

Come on Dare, think.

I stare helplessly at the ground trying my best not to cry. This was a nightmare. I was stranded in another country with no resources no way to contact anyone. My passport was missing along with any identity proof so booking a train ticket would be out of question.

The American Embassy, that was my only way out of here. I quickly back up as I am thinking about my course of action but I bump into someone and trip falling right on them.

"Bloody Hell!"


I look up to see none other than the boy in the airport standing in front of me.

Blake Durham.

"I know you."He says his eyes narrowing.

"Good to know." I say getting back on my feet trying to ignore the stinging pain in my hand.

"You are that girl who couldn't watch your step in the airport and made me loose my planner." He says his voice full of accusation.

You are probably the only guy who I know who has a planner.

"Here you go." I say taking out the book from my bag,"I tried giving to airport security but they had other major issues so I kept it."

He gives me a look and is about to take it but his phone rings making him curse.

He picks it up swiftly and gives me the universal sign to wait.

"Wait Dave slow down." He says into the phone,"What the hell happened."

My ears pick up the name Dave and I am filled with hope but it crashes down like a wave against a giant rock with the tiny probability of it being the Dave I was looking for. I almost laugh at the ridiculousness of the fact that I wanted to see Dave for once.

"What do you mean you lost her?" Blake's voice rises slightly,"And I thought you guys were driving down to Venice."

Can this be?

"Excuse me?" I say waving my hands in front of Blake,"What's this guys surname."

"Shh." He says intently listening to the phone.

"But-" I say but I am interrupted again.

"I am in Rome right now. I can help." He says,"But seriously the girl sounds like a nutcase just stomping off like that."

"I do not." I huff but he doesn't listen to me.

"How does she look?" He says into the phone again.

"Grey eyes."He repeats.

"Blonde hair with red green and blue streaks at the bottom."He says again and I wave my hands in front of him frantically but he ignores me once again.

"Not very tall." He repeats again sighing,"How do you expect me to find her-"

He suddenly stops and looks at me and I give him my biggest fake smile possible and wave at him and his eyes widen.

"Umm that won't be a problem." He says into the phone,"She is standing in front of me."

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