Chapter 1 | Michiko x Zoldyck

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Michiko - child on the righteous path


It was no doubt, Michiko was the most adored Zoldyck child. Perhaps it was her amazing Nen skills or maybe because she was one of two Zoldyck daughters but whatever it was, she was admired and respected by her family and her allies. Kikyo, her mother was overjoyed by finally having a daughter she could dress up in fancy, puffy dresses and admire. Michiko's father, Silva was equally pleased with her and especially praised her natural skills for killing. Similar to Silva, her grandfather Zeno appreciated her skills and often found himself spoiling her with her favorite snack, Papaya a special fruit native to Brazil that was expensive and hard to acquire.

Michiko got along with most of her siblings quite well, Killua especially. Being two years older than her, Killua felt protective towards Michiko and often accompanied her on missions. If it was not Killua, than her oldest brother Illumi would assist her with jobs. Even though Illumi was always the stoic kind, never cracking a smile, he did show a little bit of compassion for his only (what he considered real) sister. Something that often worried but also impressed Michiko's parents, was her close bond with Alluka. Like Killua, Michiko had a special bond with her sister (as she always referred to it) and could get Alluka to grant wishes in a row for her. If there was one sibling whose company Michiko did not enjoy, it was her brother Milluki's. Milluki was overweight and rude, and was not fond of Michiko. She always figured his strong hatred for his sister was due to the attention she received from not only her family, but from the family's allies as well. He saw her as a threat and would often stay in his room ignoring her when she was in the mansion. Her final brother, Kalluto respected her, but it would be a false statement to say they were close. If Kalluto was not trying to avoid their mother's irritating dress up hobby, he would be on missions or in his room. He had recently expressed his interest in the Phantom Troupe and because of this, the two did not see each other often.

Vicious training had begun when Michiko was three years old. Though her parents and Zeno enjoyed giving her special treatment, they would not waste time training her to become a top assassin like them. Whether it was poisoning her food to become immune to toxins or taking her to Heavens Arena for competitions, she never failed to disappoint. The Zoldyck butlers also played a key role in raising Michiko. Gotah especially took a liking to Michiko, doing coin tricks for her so that she was entertained but also so she could become more attentive and improve her reflexes.

And as she grew older, she became even stronger when she found her Nen type was a Specialist. Overwhelmed by her seemingly endless power, Michiko took it upon herself to learn all of her abilities and be able to control them completely. When she informed her brother Killua of her goal to build her strength and accomplish things with it, he had two words for her: Hunter Exam

A/N: Please note that in the attached family photo of the Zoldycks, the great grandfather (Maha Zoldyck, Zeno's father) is shown, however so little information has been revealed about him, I found it best to leave him out of the main plot. Please feel free to comment and vote. [Edited 7.19.17]

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