Chapter 6 | The x Trickiest x of Towers

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The breeze from atop Trick Tower felt refreshing. Michiko longed to have the time to enjoy the view, but she was soon brought back to reality as the clock was ticking. If the applicants could not make their way to the bottom of Trick Tower in 72 hours, they would be disqualified from the Hunter Exam. Luckily for the Zoldyck daughter's curiosity, she and her friends found a trap door only a few hours after Phase 3 starting.

"Well, this is goodbye for now!" Gon's perk assured the young Zoldyck that she would indeed see her friends again.

Michiko fell hard and landed on her stomach, as the hard concrete made contact with her soft stomach.

"That was quite a brief farewell" Kurapika stated, as he dusted himself off.

The five of you must follow the will of the majority to reach the goal.

The directions were far from confusing. With each member grabbing a wristband, the five of them selected "O" to open the door.


Michiko peered down at the deep hole that seemed to have an endless bottom. The five contestants had come across a baffling wide open area. The five of them stood on one which was cut off from a large stage in the center of the chamber. On the other side seemed to be another path, identical to the one they had just come from. It only appeared that four mysterious figures with cloaks on their backs and shackles around their ankles, stood across from the contestants. In a swift movement, the cuffs confining their wrists were broken.

The muscular prisoner stood awaiting his first opponent. The five stood on the platform, understanding what must be done. Michiko stepped forward as she broke the silence, "I shall fight him."

"Are you insane?!" Leorio and Gon's shocked voices overpowered that of the small girl's. Though Kurapika and her brother, dear Killua, understood the girl's strength.

"Sis" Killua began, "Do it. Just how dad taught you."

Michiko did not need further prompting, as she slowly walked across the bridge that grew in front of her.

"Young girl. You have chosen the wrong opponent to fight. It is too bad today will be your last day alive." the man's deep voice did not even affect Michiko. She simply stood silently in front of the man who towered over her. With one sharp look in the eye, she signaled that she was ready.

The man lunged at her but in the briefest of seconds, Michiko was behind him. The blood fell from her palms and dripped onto the stone floor, which was the only thing one could hear in the tunnels. His voiced cracked as he slowly fell to the ground. Michiko turned slightly to the man's view, holding his bloody heart in her hand. "I am truly sorry, Sir, that it was I who had to steal your heart."

Gon and Leorio took a few steps back as their friend with blood on her hands walked back towards them. Killua simply smirked at his sister, though Michiko knew she was not showing off. If she was feeling anything, it was disappointing that she did not kill the man in such a way that the blood on his chest would not be visible.

"Well," the girl whispered, "who will fight next?".

A/N: I understand that I strayed from the original anime, but isn't that what fanfics are for? Updates may not happen on a concrete schedule, though once a week is an ultimate goal. Thank you to everyone still reading this. [Edited 12.18.17]

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