Chapter 5 | Brotherly x Love

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The multiple after-images of Michiko and Killua surrounded the old man. The Zoldyck girl kept her eye on the ball as she and her brother slowly circled Netero. The Chairman was impressed by the young children's skills, but not as much as their friend Gon, who stood in the doorway with his mouth open in awe. Within the blink of an eye, Killua had lunged forward while Michiko leaped behind the man reaching for the ball. Unfortunately, the not so elderly man was too quick, and he easily dodged the two as they went back and forth trying to grab the ball.

Michiko tumbled towards the wall for the tenth time. Both children were aggravated, but Michiko didn't want to give up. With one glance at each other, the two siblings read one another's mind and sprung into action. Killua quickly slid on the floor and managed to knock Netero off his feet while Michiko jumped over the old man. However, in one swift movement Netero had thrown the ball up in the air causing Michiko to fall, and again caught it with his right hand.

"OW!" Killua's scream suddenly erupted in the room causing his sister to send him a perplexed look.

"His legs are like iron." Killua mumbled under his breath as he walked away. Michiko was surprised at this, as she hadn't seen her brother express pain since he was a child when he was tortured for the first time as a part of his training. The tired girl sighed and leaned against the wall with her brother.


An exhausted Michiko could feel the tension in the atmosphere as she walked down the silent halls. Though many of the applicants had fainted from fatigue, she knew a few still wandered the air ship during the late hours of the night. Michiko walked into an empty room and yawned. Leaning against the wall in the dark room, she looked straight ahead with a stoic expression, "What is it that you want, #301?"

For a few lengthy moments, there was an uncomfortable and eerie silence in the room, but then the man dressed in green with pins sticking out of his body was in front of her. She watched as his arm reached up and slowly began unscrewing a few pins on his face. Michiko watched as long, black hair suddenly appeared as the eldest Zoldyck son, Illumi stood before his sister.

"Is it so wrong for a concerned brother to want to keep an eye on his younger siblings?" Illumi's tone was far from inquisitive and Michiko knew it was not a question.

"You shouldn't have come." Though he didn't show it, Illumi was taken back by his sister's harsh tone that she only used when interrogating her targets.

Illumi leaned against the wall next to his sister, "Mother cried tears of joy when Killua stabbed her face."

"What about Father and Grandpa?" It had always been obvious that Michiko was closer to Silva and Zeno than with Kikyo, and it always annoyed her.

"You pissed off our Father. He is angry, he had high hopes for you and Killua, we all did. Grandpa was disappointed, but believes Killua is at fault for manipulating you."

Michiko rolled her eyes, "My brother Kil did not manipulate me. I left because I wanted an adventure, and I wanted friends."

"Assassins don't-"

Michiko's hand waved in the air stopping her brother from continuing, "I do not seek your advice, it is irrelevant now. Allow me to live my life, and leave Kil alone, too." The little girl began to walk away.


Michiko stopped and turned slightly, "Yes?"

"I do not like the look #44 gives you, stay away from him."

"You cannot control me anymore," Michiko looked back and made eye contact with her brothers dark eyes, "because I removed your needle."

A/N: I am very sorry for the late update. I understand it's not an excuse, but I was recently on vacation and underestimated the time I would have to write. I decided to wait until I got home because I wanted to publish a quality chapter. That being said, please enjoy. [Edited 8.4.17]

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