Jaeden Lieberher is gay

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Wyatt's pov
Sunday evening

I told Jaeden he kissed me out of my own stupid rage.
But he didn't. He never kissed me.
He kissed that girl, even though I threw hints that I wanted him to kiss me!
Why didn't he just kiss me instead of her. Why didn't I just shut my mouth. Why was I so mean. Who but Wyatt Oleff could be mean to such a shy but amazing person.
I stopped my mind from racing to check my phone.
With five voicemails, all sounding the same, I called the tall, awkward boy back.
My body trembled, should I tell him I lied? Or should I avoid it.
A shy, shaky sound came over the end of the phone: hello
"Did I really kiss you? I'm really sorry-"
His voice was a whisper, hard to hear, but I heard it all.
I always heard him.
"Wyatt you don't have to lie to help my feelings-"
"You didn't kiss me!"
I heard a whimper. Over the phone? Was he scared that I shouted?
"I'm- I'm sorry. I don't know why I told you, you did man. We were both drunk. Well not as drunk as Jack."
That made Jaeden giggle.
The giggle sounded real and sweet, like candy. Which made my mouth turn up into a smile.
"So I made out with Madison? Really?"
His voice was strained now, and before my mouth could open, something I never expected popped out of the other boy's mouth: but I'm gay
With my heart pounding so hard that the other boy could probably hear it's obnoxious beat. He hung up. Probably with fear that I'd call him a queer again. Silly me, I should really start punching myself every time I open my mouth before I think.
But all I could think of now was:
Jaeden Lieberher is gay.
And Wyatt Oleff now has a chance.

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