Wyatt's gay?

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Wyatt's pov
Tuesday morning

"Fuck her, right? She's the one who doesn't wanna be with me. I mean come on, kissing another person to make me jealous-"
Jack interrupted my story with a loud fake sigh.
"Is this story real or made up?"
I rolled my eyes, putting my hands up.
"Swear it's real. It went down at the party."
Jack's eyes lit up.
"You were with Jaeden that whole night. IS IT JAEDEN?!"
"Huh? No, dude, NO. It's a girl."
"So, Jaeden??"
Jack kept throwing the name in, making me cringe.
So I stopped. Guess Jack would just have to know.
Silence filled the room now and Jack was at the edge of his seat acting as if he was the happiest he'd ever been.
Then the silence was ripped apart almost instantly by his voice:
"I knew it! You totally are gay! Jaeden know all this?"
His phone magically popped into his hand faster than I've ever seen.
"No, no, no, no, no-"
His phone was in the air now as I tried to grab it.
Ten minutes seemed to pass as if it were running as fast as it could. Away from something bigger than itself.
But what was bigger than time?
"Don't tell him! Don't you dare-"
"Tell me what?"
Jaeden was in the door. Ironic.
"You didn't."
Jack grinned, and nodded, raising his bushy eyebrows.
"I did. Ahuhahuh."
I groaned and Jaeden looked as confused as ever. Poor dude.
"Tell. Me. What."
The usual shy boy was replaced by a mad boy.
He stood in pajamas, hair crazy, eyes squinted, and attitude a full blast.
"Did you tell Jack?"
His mouth flew open. A hand flew to his hip as if he was in some high school, drama, chick flick.
I started to shake my head but I just couldn't. For some reason I was stunned.
"Tell me what?"
Smirked the fluffy black haired, small framed boy.
"You told him, Wyatt? Seriously? I only told you I'm gay because I trust you-"
Jack screamed jumping up and down.
"Dude shut up, my mom's downstairs you asshole."
I was literally angry now at the nosy boy. Who just shouts something so touchy out as if it weren't really news in the first place?
Jaeden just looked like a deer stuck in head lights.
"Wyatt? Gay. Too. When did. Why is. Wyatt's gay?"
I couldn't help what happened next. I really couldn't. I laughed. And I laughed hard. It escaped me like thunder does the sky. Loud and sudden.
"Buh-buh-buh-but you told me. You told me you couldn't be in the same room as a fag. I'm so confused."
"I think I said queer."
Jaeden's arms flew up in defeat as he sat down. Even his face shined of defeat.
Guess the cats out of the bag.
We're two gay best friends. And soon Jack will run his mouth to Finn. And Finn will tell everyone else.
I guess until then?

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