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Cullen lay down on his bed still dressed in full armor, three weeks had passed and so far Talila had recovered at a pace the surgeon nor anyone had expected. He looked to the ceiling and sighed, Talila had been avoiding him for the past week which he found odd, but it was also explainable as he had seen her training to regain her strength. When she wasn't doing that she was in her room with the door open writing on paper, she told him that what she was writing when she was in her room was either letters, a story or poems; or she was in the library reading books. Since Cullen tended to avoid the Library unless he had a really good reason, he found that that was where she spent most of her time outside of training, but today as he finally decided to walk out of his room, he found her on the battlements looking at the sky with a worried face. "Talila?" he asked her name carefully as she spared a glance at him but returned her gaze to the sky.

"Cullen." She greeted him shortly which took him off guard.

"Can we talk...if your not busy that is."

Talila closed her eyes with a heavy sigh. "It's not that I don't love you, I do love you, with all my heart I do, and I haven't been meaning to avoid you, I've just been...well I... shit, how do I explain this without sounding stupid."

Cullen looked to her like she could read his mind. "....How did you...?"

"Body language gave it away. I don't know how but since that duel, I've been able to read everyone's body language with perfect precision." Talila looked to him, her eyes were more of the light crystal blue then her normal dark blue.

"How come you have been avoiding me?" He asked walking up to her.

Talila felt him wrap his arms around her and all but melted into his familiar and comforting embrace. "I've been trying to find my father."

"Your father?" Cullen asked as he kissed her neck causing her to shiver slightly.

"Yes. My mother would often tell me that my father 'hailed from a world completely different to the one I was born in.' She told me that he came from a world called Thedas, but that she did not know where exactly in Thedas he hailed from." Talila sighed. "If I can find him, I can't say it will be a happy reunion, but maybe he will be able to answer some questions I have. Questions that that Cole kid made me start to wonder about."


"Why in the hell I've had people look at me like they see a wild animal and not a person. Or why..." She trailed off as Cullen turned her around and sealed her lips with his. "Cullen..." She whispered as he touched his forehead to hers. His kiss sparked up a fire within both of them a fire that he wanted to badly follow through with.

"Maker...I've been waiting for a full three weeks to feel your lips again." he told her as his eyes met hers, they kissed again and then stayed together in a hug, even as the Inquisitor and a visiting Templar Knight-Commander happened to walk by on the ground. Both noticed them and the Knight-Commander looked to Cullen and Talila, who happened to giggle at what Cullen said after giving him a light slap on the shoulder. He pretended to be hurt and then chuckled at her as she kissed him. "Knight-Commander?" the Inquisitor asked as the other man looked to him.

"Is that former Knight-Commander Cullen? And who is the woman with him?"

"Yes that is Cullen, and the woman with him is Talila, a woman who hails from another world." The Inquisitor spoke with confusion. "Why?"

"Has... has she been looking for someone in particular?"

"Her father, from what all I understand. Do you know him or where he is?"

"Bring her and the others to your war room, She needs to know that you've found him." The Knight-Commander looked to the Inquisitor who was shocked now but before the Inquisitor could ask the man spoke. "I am her father and I...I have a lot of questions to answer." He spoke with a saddened look to his face and a sad tone to his voice.

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