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"DAMNIT!" Cullen's fist slammed into the war table as everyone watched. "Why did she not tell me?!" He growled as a hand rested on his shoulder, he looked to the person and saw his son looking at him.

"Surely mother had a good reason to go to hunt the Dread Wolf on her own?" Adrian spoke his armor glistening in the sunlight as the young man's eyes watched his father carefully.

"The Knight-Commander-your son- is correct, Cullen." Cassandra spoke up as everyone turned to her. "Talila has her reasons about why she does things and this is no exception."

Then the Inquisitor slammed a blade down on the map on the table. "Whatever her reasons, It's time to save a friend from herself." The Inquisitor's word was final and Adrian saluted.

"Then I will go prepare my men, she is my mother and I won't sit this out." He spoke sternly looking to his father who wanted to protest, but Cullen closed his mouth. Adrian really was his father's son as well as his mother's son.

Cullen sighed then looked to the Inquisitor, "I will have soldiers prepared to move out within the hour. I am going with you Inquisitor, I need to find out why Talila has left and I'll be damned if I just sit here waiting." With that everyone left the room to prepare for the last adventure of their lifetime. They were going to find Talila and bring her back no matter what, even if Cullen had to sacrifice his life, he wanted her home with him and Adrian. I'm coming for you, Talila and I will not rest until I have found you. Even if it kills me.


As the members of the former Inquisition and her son prepared to come find her, Talila was already several steps a head of them and now stood above the fabled Dread Wolf on a cliff look down on him as his eyes met hers. "You called to me Dread Wolf. It has taken you years to figure out what I really am to here it had only taken me moments to figure out who you were." Talila watched him as his eyes bleed to black with his irises bleeding to red. Her own eyes mimicked the bleeding effect only hers bled out to the unnaturally ghostly blue.

"I don't want to fight you, Fen'Mirthradra*," Solas spoke looking towards the woman above him.

Talila could almost laugh, "Na melana sahlin**" she replied as his eyes narrowed. "I have known the ancient language you speak for many years, Fen'Harel***. You call me Fen'Mirthradra, but yet you yourself know no honor. For what honor is there in killing hundreds if not thousands of people for a world that should remain in the past where it belongs?" Talila asked him as he frowned. "Come Fen'Harel. Let us see who is the truly honorable one between us." Talila frowned as Solas growled. He called upon his power and as he unleashed his full might against her, Talila lunged towards him her own might becoming unbound. Had anyone witnessed this battle from the Fade they would have sworn they saw a many red eyed wolf taking on an ebony she wolf with ghostly blue eyes, but the fight would have faded from their view as Talila drew closer to Solas.

(*Fen'Mirthrada= Honored Wolf)
(** Na melana sahlin= Your time is come)
(*** Fen'Harel= Dread Wolf)

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