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Talila was once more bitting her nails, but then closed her eyes as she remembered a song from her mother's world that she had loved to basically death. Her arm was in a sling, and her shoulder was tightly wrapped to keep her from really doing anything, which was irritating her beyond belief as she had an irritating. Cullen was away from Skyhold at this time so using him as a distraction was out, but eventually Solas came walking up to her. "Talila?"

Talila found that her irritation did not stop with the fact that Cullen wasn't around to help her keep her rage in check. "What?" she snapped in an irritated voice.

"I can see the spirits were right about you, without the Commander you are irritable. But I think I have found a way to undo what is being done to you." He told her calmly.

Talila looked to him showing a bit of surprise. "You do know that Cullen is my mate, and I refuse to do anything without his input on it first?"

"I know, but if it helps I can wait until he returns to discuss it further."

"That would be a wise decision on your part mage." Talila turned away away from Solas but he didn't leave, and so her ears folded back in irritation.

"I do not mean to linger but I have now noticed that your arm is in a sling." At that her eyes hardened and she snarled as she turned to him. He saw that the blood of the cursed that ran through her veins was not kind to her as now she had sharpened canine teeth on both top and bottom jaws. "I can make that go away."

"I didn't ask for your help mage." She growled low.

"I know but allow me to heal your old injury? I can see that you are getting bored by the minute and even I know that boredom can lead to trouble.

Talila thought about it and sighed. "Fine, but don't take this as a sign of friendship." Talila mentally slapped herself sixteen times. What are you doing Talila? Get a hold of yourself, Just because my mate isn't here doesn't mean I can be cruel. She growled at herself in her mind. Solas approached carefully as if she were a wounded wild wolf. She allowed his hands to run over her shoulder and soon the pain she felt in her shoulder just melted away she felt the bone heal properly. She watched him carefully and something struck her as odd about him. "Dread wolf." She said as he looked at her. "Your body language and scent gives you away." Together they removed the bandages and he handed her a potion of some sort. "What is this?"

"A potion that will restore if not enhance your stamina." Solas urged her to drink it and after taking a quick sniff, which she regretted soon after, she pinched her nose and down the potion. "And yes I am the dread wolf."

"You have nothing to fear from me, I have reasons to keep my secrets and I'm sure you have your yours." She sneezed and the smell of the potion came back to haunt her. "Ugh! Couldn't you at least try to make it smell better?" She whined slightly as he smiled.

"Sadly potions like that are hard to make smell good. When the Commander returns I will be happy to explain more about what is happen-!"Solas about lost his balance as the ground shook but thankfully Talila gripped his arm which stabilized him. Talila looked over the ramparts and snarled as she shouted out. "SOLDIERS TO YOUR POSTS, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" Talila called out as she was quick to react, the horns of war sounded as she rushed away from Solas who was thoroughly surprised by the attack. "Get the civilians to safety. You there! toss me my blade." She barked out orders as everyone did as told. Soon her sword was tossed to her and catching it she drew her blade. The sound of unsheathing steel rang out across the ground. Cullen, where ever you are hurry back, we could use you and soon. Talila let that thought brush against her mind for only a heart beat as the battlements were filled with archers as they filed into positions, "Archers!" She called out as the archers prepared their bows and crossbows. "Fire!" she called out as she saw that the fiends attacking them were over a thousand Red Templars. I thought they were all taken care of! Shit damn it! Cullen where are you when we need you?! "You, send word to the Commander and the Inquisitor! We need their forces back here now! I am unsure of how long we will be able to hold out."

The Wolf and the Lion (a Dragon Age Inquisition fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now