Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

A/N: This chapter is confusing... I've confused myself... Anyways. Its really getting hard to write chapters these days :P Not sure if I can finish this book for the Watty Awards deadline. Anyways Enjoy! Dedicated to my good friend stephy0804 <3 Check her story the Bellringer out! Its Fantastic Baby!

Victor’s POV

I watch stupid Potter as she drinks the vial filled with liquid that will allow me to control her body and fall backwards on to the grass motionless. I now have complete control of her body. How stupid she was to drink that trusting me completely. At least I expected myself to force the liquid into her. But now problem solved. I take out my mental note of steps to complete. I’ve earned her trust, I’ve drugged her, Now I have to kill all the ones she loves. And I’ll make her do it herself. Target number one. Scorpius Malfoy.

‘Stand up’ I command. Lily’s body barely moves. So she thinks she can resist this? Lets see how well she does. With only a bit more concentration Lily is off of the ground and on her legs. I force a smile on her face. She is still resisting the penetration. 

Soon her resisting dies off and now I am able to control her completely. Her mind is completely dead. She will be able to see what she is doing but do nothing about it. 

‘Go find Malfoy’ I command. ‘And kill him’

Scorpius’s POV

Everyone had gone to sleep and the castle was dark with only a few Aurors around. I’ve been waiting outside of the Gryffindor portrait to get a chance to talk to Lily. Its been a while and Lily and Jackson haven’t returned. I close my eyes and lean against the wall and start thinking random thoughts. 

I open my eyes and Let out a small scream. Lily is standing in front of me, her face emotionless. I could tell something was wrong. She isn’t like this. If Jackson had done something to her, I would kill him for sure

“Lily? Is something wrong?” 

I want to approach her but I can tell something isn’t right. Then the most terrifying thing happens. Lily pulls out her wand and points it towards me. Before she can do anything I start running. 

“Avada Kedavra!” 

I hear Lily’s voice shout. A green stream of light passes by me at hits the wall ahead. I stop running and turn around. Lily is standing there grabbing her arm thats pointing her wand at me with her hand. Steady tears are running down her cheeks. 

“Lily! Stop! Whats wrong?!”

I don’t know what to say. I could see her lips moving but I can’t hear what she is saying...


I reflect the spell just in time before it hits me square in the chest. I have to run. I have to find someone. I take off at full speed thinking of anyone who I could find... OF COURSE! Harry Potter! He could still be at Hogwarts. I run to the Headmaster’s office and stand in front of the portrait. Password... SHIT! I’m a Perfect! How could I forget the password. Right!


The portrait swings open. I enter the room to see two surprised people. My father and Harry Potter were both in arm chairs in front of a fireplace sipping a cup of tea. What are they doing here? I catch my breath.

“Mr. Malfoy! What are you doing at this time? Its past twelve!” 

Professor Mcgonagall emerges from behind some bookshelves looking furious. I turn my view to my father and Harry Potter as they still try to process the situation. I try to explain the situation but I don’t know where to start.

“Lily... Her mind is being petrified... She’s tried to kill me...It wasn’t her fault! I don’t know who’s doing it...”

That was all explaining that was needed. Professor Mcgonoall moved both hands to her mouth and Harry Potter immediately shot out of the chair and grabbed both of my shoulders. His eyes filled with horror. 

“Where is she... Where is Lily?” His voice was shaking. His grip on my shoulder was getting tight. I started to wonder where Lily was. My father approached both of us and removed Harry Potter’s hands from my shoulder.

“Stop Harry, We’ll go look for her. Scorpius, you stay here, stay safe.”

Did my father just call Harry Potter ‘Harry’? He usually refereed him as just Potter and never his first name. Harry Potter nodded and sent an apologizing gesture. 

“No, I’m going with you guys.” Father sends me a threatening look. 

“Stay here Scorpius. Listen to me. Father tries to persuade me but It won’t work. Lily is my girlfriend here! I wasn’t going to let her suffer alone. 

“I have to got Father! I have to! She’s my-” Wait I think this back. The moment I tell father I was in love with Lily, we was going to kill me for sure. I decide to let them go and follow later.

Lily’s POV


I managed to shout before I almost kill him with my own hands. Tears of horror run down my cheeks...I can’t control myself. Scorpius runs away out of my sight. I start to relax my body  as i gain control over my body when I know that he is out of danger. I don’t understand what’s happening. I don’t understand. How could someone do this. There must have been something wrong with the vial Victor gave me. But Victor wouldn’t do something like that. Then a green stream of light hits me. I look out the window into the sky. I see a mark. I see the dark mark. Then I black out.

Harry’s POV

I run down the halls to find Lily but only a green light fills the halls. I look out he window and see the Dark mark that had been haunting me for years. My scar burns and I can hear Draco scream in agony. Then I see Lily and a boy rising into the sky toward the dark mark. 


Buts its too late. the two disappear into the sky. They Vanish. Lily vanishes. The green light disappears and there is only the moonlight filling the sky. And Lily is gone. The pain in my scar is gone. I have to find her.

A/N: Hey guys. Hope you enjoied that :)  First of all my las SPED chapter was very fun writting it and it was run reading the reactions to it :) I love you guys so much! Thanks for the support. Oh and If you haven't noticed yet this is going for the Watty Awards so if you appreciate my writting please vote and comment! Evey one of them will be appreciated.

Love you all
xoxo Jenna_98 

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