Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

A/N: I appologize for a long wait. Then a Short Chapter. (Hides in Corner) For some reason I struggled to complete this chapter. I don't know why. I'm usually not the type having major blocks. Anyways. Here it is Enjoy.

Draco’s POV

After the Death Eaters arrived in cages, the wizards are assigned rooms and Death Eater by Death Eater are sent into rooms for questioning. I enter a room and sit at a chair uncomfortably as a female Death Eater enters. She sits at a chair in front of me then lifts her head. Her eyes widen. 

“Draco? Draco! I can’t believe its you” She exclaims as she throws her arms over me. Penny. The only one who was around me age, also forced to be a Death Eater I ever got to know. I thought she had been killed. 

“Penny!” I embrace her. She has grown so weak. She was always the positive one. The one who always hoped everything will work out fine.  

“I haven’t seen you in years... I thought Voldemort had killed you after you stopped him from trying to-” She lifts her finger and puts it on my lips. 

“Shhh.... Lets not talk about the old days...” She sends me a weak smile. We stand there for a while thinking of the dark past until Penny breaks the tension. 

“I know what you’re going to ask me Draco. I don’t know whats going on. I never even knew he had a god damn son. None of us here knows. You are wasting time doing this. Although your Father might know. He was always the one who did all the dirty work for him- ah. Sorry. I Shouldn’t have mentioned your father... Hows your mother by the way?”

I stiffen at the sudden mention of my Father. It could be true. He must know all this. He was always going around kissing the Dark Lord’s arse. 

“Oh... She’s fine, she had a mental breakdown after Father received the kiss, but I think she’s recovering.” 

I talked with Penny for a while catching up with our unmentioned lost lives. She sobbed while telling when Voldemort tried to kill her, her mother had jumped in and died instead telling her to run away. Run so far that no one would ever catch her. I mentioned I had married Astoria and had a son. I didn’t mention Leo. 

“Astoria! The Greengrass’s daughter. Oh Draco I’m so happy for you!” We again pulled each other into an embrace feeling comforted. 

“Malfoy! Its taking too long!” Someone was banging on the door. By the voice I was sure it was Ron  Weasly.

“Stay in here Penny, I’ll tell them who you are, what you know, and what the others know. I’ll be back.”

Scorpius’s POV

Our order, the order of Grytherin sit at the Three Broomsticks finding a way to locate Lily. We’ve been trying for the last few hours but failing. Out of ideas we sit around the table. Thinking.

“Of Course!” We all jump a little as the Gryffindor girl, Taylor stands up, slamming her hands on the table. 

“Lily! She has a ring on her finger we bought together at Mangalo’s shop.” She lifts her hand pointing to her own ring. “Our rings are the couple styled ones they are the only two rings that look the same.” She stares at all of us waiting for us to do something... we were all confused. 

“Don’t you guys get it?”

“No. Not really. Mind explaining Miss perfect?” Alice blabs. We all stare at her but she doesn’t seem to notice.

“We can locate her! Just like how twins locate twins! These rings are twins of each other, made of the same elements!” We all realize this new advantage. I feel relived that we are a step closer finding Lily. Albus stands up and pulls her in a hug

“Taylor! You’re a genius!” Then he kissed her. 

A/N: Albus and Taylor are in Love. Simple as that. I'm sorry that was short. I have been very busy for the last few days. I hope you guys enjoied it though :)

Three chapters till my SPED, I haven't got an idea. Help? 

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