Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

A/N: This is one of the shortest chapters I've written in a while. I have exams comming up so I decided not to upload for a while but I had ideas and I feared of loosing them so I wrote this quickly last night before going to bed. Anyways. ENJOY

Scorpius’s POV

I watch as Lily lifts into the dark green clouds with the dark mark swirling in it. With Jackson. So it was Jackson. He was a death eater! He worked for Voldemort. But Voldemort is dead... how could this possibly happen? 

Without thinking I smash the window open with my body and climb out. I cut myself deep at my calf but I don’t stop. I call for my broom. It immediately appears from the cornet out of the cabinet where they kept all the broom sticks. I quickly mount the broom and place both feet at the foot spot and shoot up into the air into the dark green smoke that filled the air. I struggle to keep balance of the broom as blood drips from my calf. I could heal it quickly but I don’t even think about doing that. I only think about saving Lily. 


I yell at the top of my lungs as I reach for Lily. I see Jackson smile. He orders another man to hold Lily. He lunges toward me without a broom. But he can fly. I quickly change my direction. I see Lily on the man/s shoulders unconscious her face mattered hair clung with blood and tears. Chills are sent up my spine when I realize who’s blood that might be. 

“You better turn back now Malfoy. I’m not the one who will be killing you.” 

Jackson sneers licking his fingers. What does he mean? 

“Of course not Jackson! You’re just one of those coward death eaters!” 

Jackson looks me with disbelief and breaks out laughing. 

“You think I’m one of those death eaters? Oh Malfoy... Malfoy!” 

His face turns serious. He looks furious.

“Your father and grandfather, Draco and Lucius Malfoy, worked for my father Malfoy.” 

What the hell was Jackson saying? Then I realize... He is Voldemort’s son. This isn’t good. Not good at all.

“Thats right Malfoy. My last name isn’t Jackson. My name is Victor Tom Riddle. Both Malfoys betrayed my father, no other Malfoy will be welcomed as a Death eater.” 

I struggle to understand all this I don’t know it its because of the overwhelming information or the huge amount of blood loss. 

“Say good-bye to your girlfriend Malfoy. You’ll never see her again. Wait let me fix that. You’ll see her once more. ONCE MORE. Good-bye Malfoy”

He nods toward the man holding onto Lily. She is struggling in his arms. I can see her as she kicks and punches the man I think she’s yelling my name but I can’t d anything. I feel too dizzy due to the heavy blood loss. 

The man points his wand at me. He whispers something. A black stream of light comes at me and hits me square in my chest. I fall off of my ground and down into the forest. I expect myself to fall to the ground and my body to break but someone snatches me up.

“Hold on tight son”

I grasp tight to the hand that grasps on to mine tight. I keep quite as we land on the ground and father takes a look at my calf. The sky has cleared up and now only beautiful stars are in the sky.

“I told you to stay safe Scorpius.”

I ignore him and get up but stumble due to the pressure on my calf. My father grasped my shoulder and stares in to my eyes.

“Why didn’t you listen to me! You could have been killed!”

I shake his hand off. 

“I went there to saver her! She’s been kidnapped!”

My father stares at me with disbelief.

“I love her. And you can’t change me.”

A/N: I think Scorpius is a very brave boy to tell his father that he loves someone o.O no normal boy would do that LOL. Anyways thanks for reading. Oh yeah and I decided to uplaod my personal diary on wattpad so check it out. Its called Mr. Mustache :) Thanks for reading! You guys are the best.

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xoxo Jenna_98 

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