Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

A/N: Omg. My internet is bloody working!! So I've uploaded! Finally! Honestly I hadn't written anything until the last week or so. Summer break had started and I was busy in many ways. :( I don't think This will happen again. I at least hope it won't. Anywho :) Enjoy! Oh and this whole chapter is in Scorpius's POV and is it just me or do I write Scorpius's POV to femininely?

Lily’s POV 


Before Leo and I are locked in separate rooms one of the Death Eaters grab our heads. Leo protests frantically but he fails as he is beaten down. A wand is pointed to him

‘tantibus mortem’ 

Leo lays there still without any movement. The heavy steel door closes so I can no longer see him. The Death Eaters approach me. I no longer have the strength to protest.

‘tantibus mortem’ 

A/N: I got a message in my inbox asking what does tantibus mortem mean. And yes, I use google translator to make my spells. It directly translates to nightmare till death, or nightmare to death. 


Scorpius’s POV

Our Order meets together in two days again. We all came promised to come prepared determined that today it would be the day we would be saving Lily. 

All of us were aware that it wasn’t safe. Albus had asked that if you are scared, you may go home. No one did. Not a single one of us.

I didn’t sleep at all that night. I couldn’t. Lily was somewhere out there. Lost. And what was I doing?

I walked around the room that night just thinking about things. I opened up the photo album that I had  brought downstairs with me later and hid in my drawers. Pictures of me and my mysterious brother.

In the morning, the day our Order would meet, I leave a note on my desk before I leave.  

Dear Mother
I’m leaving to save Lily.

I have to do this. I love her too much
Scorpius Malfoy

I put on a long black cloak and put in my wand in my pocket. I slip a photo of my brother in my pocket too. I step downstairs and enter the fireplace.

As I stepped into the fireplace to leave I heard my mother come out of her room. 

“Scorpius? Scorpius darling, where are you going?”

Before mother could stop me I threw the Floo power into the fireplace whispering my destination so she wouldn’t hear where I would be. 

“Knocktern Alley”


Rambling out of the fireplace in a old shop of Knocktern Alley I quickly exit the shop and walk to the shop where we would meet. As I pass by people stare at me and I pull the hood of my cloak closer down my face. Once I get inside the shop, I see that Albus and Taylor Green are already in the corner talking. 

I quickly take a seat next to the two. “Hey”

We exchange quick greetings and sit there for a while. 

“Are the others coming? Where are they, its already late.” Albus complains.

“I’m sure they’ll be here soon. Lets wait a few more minutes.” 

We make sure that our plan will work as we take turns examining the ring that will be used to locate Lily.

“I’m Hereee!” We all instantly turn around to the entrance of the shop and see Alice Kimberly walking towards are table. She takes a seat next to me and coils her arm around mine. 

I slowly slither out of her grip and shift a chair away. She looks at me daringly as she runs her tongue around her lips. 

“Well everyones here. Lets go now.” Alice says. 

We all turn to her as if she’s insane.

“Uhhh no Alice, Aaron, Fabian, Oscar, and Ares aren’t here.” Green points out. 

Alice smirks at her and turns to me and smiles. 

“Didn’t you all get the note? They sent us a note that they wouldn’t be able to help, that they were to scared. You told them they didn’t have to come if they were scared, didn’t you Mr. Potter.” Alice smiles and stands up to leave. 

“None of us got the not Kimberly, what are you talking about!” Albus says.

Alice groans and reaches deep into her pocket in her cloak and pulls out a piece of paper and throws it on our table and crosses her arms. The three of us gather around the note. 

To the Order of Grytherin,
We fear too much of what is to happen.

Forgive us. 
Aaron, Fabian, Oscar, and Ares.

I exchange disapproving looks with Albus knowing that this wasn’t the way we knew them. Alice butts her face in and pull the two of us off our chairs. 

“I gave you proof! Lets get on moving! Don’t you want to save your little sister?” Albus stands still then nods. 

“For once, she’s right. If they fear what is to happen, we can’t do anything about it. We gotta save Lily.” I did agree that saving Lily was our first priority, but the Aaron and Fabian I knew weren’t like this. 

We exited the shop and walked out of Knocktern Alley. Albus found a forest where we wouldn’t be spotted. 

We stood in a circle around the ring that Taylor had carefully placed on top of a flat rock. 

“Lets review our plans. Once we get to where Lily is, we locate here then send help sending Fredwig with a note with locations. Malfoy, you are the most advanced in the Dark Arts so your help is needed the most. Ready?”  Everyone nods and we place one of our hands in the middle piling them up.

Taylor places the ring on top of all of our hands and pointed her wand at it as she took a deep breath before saying the spell.

“reginæ veteris circulos nos ad ubi twinling vivit, reginæ veteris circulos nos ad ubi twinling vivit!” She repeated the phrase over and over until the ring started forming a bright stream of light from the middle pointing high into the sky. Our bodies started to transform into light following where the light leads. 

As quick as a blink we were somewhere else. Taylor was on the ground with Albus at her side. 

We all look around to see where we are.

All of us gasp when we do. 

A/N: DUN DUN DUNNN Where could they BE! Leave guesses in the comments! If you get it right... I'll give you a virtual pat on the back :) 

Remember to give my chapter a cheeky vote before you go and read the thing below!

Ohhh and 2 chapters before my SPED. Just decided to go for a Question and answer thing again. Ask me all sorts of questions. Really, anything, I'm quite open minded. If you don't want you're username to be revealed, Inbox me your question. Or if you're just so bloody damn confident about your question. Leave it in the comment of this chapter :) Thanks for reading!

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