Lawang Sewu

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Images framed in glass

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Images framed in glass

Lead light plays across the stairs

Tiny coloured pieces make the whole

Tell me your stories, light of old

Why were you built

What do you represent

A wheel, crown, bird and two women

A fruit tree, sword, and woman with lion

Who dreamt you, beauty of old

Born in an age where rule was afar

A thousand doors open to you

Paper shufflers ran past your frame

Did any stop to admire your beauty

Did anyone ask, would you remain

Lawang Sewu, I've witness your beauty

Lawang Sewu, I read of your pain

Lawang Sewu, you beckoned me to you

To see you reborn, as a tourist I came

Now I leave wiser, for I have seen

Your beauty remains, despite your ordeals 

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