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Yes I've been down to Fakeland

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Yes I've been down to Fakeland

and Unreal-a-versal too

Were dreams they are not real

It's just fake their worlds in full view

The fish are fake,

The storms aren't real

Then there's the water too

And laser fire at Aliens

It's just a red light, aimed at you

MY GOD! Is that a butterfly

There sitting on that flower

Nope sorry

It's just another painted tower

I thought I saw a pigeon once

A sitting nice and pretty

But it just turned out to be

An animatronical impossibility

But there are children everywhere

There smiles all radiant beaming

That it makes me wonder just today

If we're all just walking

Through animated dreaming

Fake smiles from creatures never born

Fake mountains, hills and streams

Oh, and don't you go a swimming

Cause there's way too much chlorine too

Yet as I wondered through this wasteland

Watching fakeness fill the air

It took me by surprise

As I too stopped and stared


The night was filled with laughter

Lights shining in the dark

As the people crowded closer

Just to take in fakeness park

Parades of unreal creatures

Princesses, frogs and long dead kings

Came trundling down the by way

Bringing fakeness as a dream

And all the children screamed with delight

Like they'd eaten too much sweet

Perhaps it's just a sugar overload

On a dreamlands fake Main street

I left fakeland alone that night

And in a bus did jump

"Don't take me there again" I said

"Fakeland is just a front."

It has no depth of meaning

It has no love to give

Its just a money-making venture

Where unreality tries to live

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