Chapter 2: Well Shit

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Jacob POV

I turned around to see Sean standing there with his hand on his backpack strap and his eyes looking up at me from the stairs. His deep sexy voice sent shivers down my spine. WAIT!?! Did I just call his voice sexy??? My thoughts were broken when Sean was calling my name.

"Yo! Jacob what the hell! he said loudly while staring at me

"I-I-I was going t-to g-get breakfast" I replied nearly choking on my words. WHY WAS I SO NERVOUS. WHY DID HE HAVE THIS EFFECT ON ME.UUGH!!

"YH I don't really care I just wanted to butt in "he said with a smirk while walking past me but before he did he bit his lip.

My heart skipped a beat and something strange happened..

My dick twitched!


Earlier into the morning more people came and so did my friends. I saw my bestfriend Rebecca she is pansexual and doesn't like when people tease her and can become very hostile. I liked that about her. I think I liked her to be honest.

"Hey bunny boo, how are you enjoying your first day so far? "she asked all peppy while jumping in place! I couldn't help but chuckle "I am doing good so far I saw Trey so that's a plus...kinda" I said awkwardly. She just looked at me then said "Oh that reminds me we need to get you a new girlfriend!" she seemed very excited so I just nodded and agreed"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE yay lets go" she said as I was pulled away. What have I gotten myself into?

"So what is gonna happen when we finally gradate next year?" I asked in a hush tone cause we were stalking some girls, against my will of course! She looked at me.

"Well I want us to go to the same college then get our dream jobs and then see what happens from there." she said very unsure. So I just nodded in agreement.

A couple moments later we decided to give up and just wait for the school announcements to start. I saw my other bestfriend Nicky, she was like a tom-boy sort of not really. She was bisexual but mostly dated boy for the most part. She dated one of my ex's Blessing. Nicky was the girl to fight both boy and girls and it was like she came out of an anime because her boobs were huge! She used to have cancer but beat it like a boss! Now she's healthy and well. So whenever I feel sad I think of that and say it could be ten times worse.

She approached me and Rebecca. They never really liked each other which was sad because whenever I Would hang out with one of them more the other one would get mad and jealous. So I kinda try to hang less with them. I gave Nicky a hug and then said I needed to talk to her about something. That made Rebecca angry I could tell by the way she shot daggers at both of us. Which made Nicky grab me by the wrist and pull me away!

"That was uncalled for Nicky!" I said in a fatherly tone almost laughing at the was I said it.

"I know, but just one more second and I would've slapped her silly." she said with a smile. "So what did you want to tell me"he said snapping me out of my thoughts oh yeah! I feel weird.......What do you mean you feel weird? she said with a raised brow. When I am a-around.......Around? Who?

I paused and took a deep breath mostly because I am admitting this.

Sean I said unsure if she would take me seriously.

She looked at me and then looked around.."ARE YOU SERIOUS? How DO YOU FEEL? IS IT LIKE A TINGLE? DO YOU LIKE HIM? OMG DOES HE LIKE YOU? she said with rapid fire and all I could say was ..uhh umm I don't know I just get weird and want to hide in a shell when I go by him. OMG so dos this mean your gay? she said a bit to loud for my comfort when she saw that she calmed down.

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