Chapter 1 - Willow Fischer

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"So your assignment is to write about someone you love. It can be a poem, an essay, any type of writing. It must be written according to the rubric, which is just the usual. No slang, Times New Roman point size 12, no more than four pages long. Please don't make it four pages long, I like to sleep too. So have fun and don't hold back. You do not have to mention this person's name." Ms. Trey nods approvingly and passes out the rubric to everyone.

I scan over it and notice its due in three months.

Guess it's to give people enough time to actually write something with substance. I think to myself.

Who will I write about? I don't have a boyfriend... By choice of course. I know a couple of nice guys with crushes on me but I want to be with someone I feel sparks with. Someone who can make me insane with their smile. It seems like a lot to ask for, but I wont settle for less.

"Now work on the vocab assignment and do not forget that your vocab is this..... Friday. Friday. Study, study, study!" Ms. Trey heads back to her desk, stopping short she taps my shoulder.

"Yes Ms. Trey?" I look up and smile. I like Ms. Trey. She is nice and witty. She never really gets angry, even with this lemon of a class she has. She is genuine about her interest in writing and teaching kids to express them through writing. She wants us to practice actively speaking our minds. She says not to let "them" stifle your thoughts. Because stifled thoughts can go bad and spoil your brain. She also is fond of me. She knows I'm a good writer and always uses my work for examples. What can I say? It comes naturally. 

"I was wondering if you could help a student here in this class. You're very expressive and good at writing your voice. I was wondering if you could help and tutor Calum Hood with this new assignment?" She looks very hopefully at me and I glance at Calum.

He's.... strong. His presence and appearance surprise me.

How did I miss this kid?

He is covered in tattoos. They're all over his arms. I spot the earth, the moon and the sun.

What could they mean?

He has dark, dark messy hair that looks softer than the finest Egyptian silk. His eyes are chocolate and I feel myself searching for something... Answers. And questions. His lips are full and pink, and his nose is flat and button-like. He is so handsome and I cant help but think of my answer to tutoring him.

"Yes, yes I will." Smiling she hands me a log and a few resources to help Calum. I also spot a grade sheet.

"This log is to keep track of what you do and how long you do it for. These are some places you can go for a quiet tutor session. These links are some sources for you as well as him if you come across something you don't know. The grade sheet is for you and only you. It will show you his weak spots and why he needs tutoring. And why he wont accept it from me. He is rowdy and quick tempered so be careful. If you have a problem, we can stop this and address the problem. Have fun and thank you so much Willow. I'll give you two a pass to the library tomorrow so you can get to know each other at lunch." She smiles and I nod as she walks off.

I look up feeling a gaze on me, but when I scan the classroom, everyone is doing their work.


I sit down with Wendy and Camilla at our full table. Here sits Camilla, Wendy, and Harry.

"Why do you look so happy?" Camilla asks me after snapping off a carrot. Do I really look that happy? To be tutoring a seemingly troubled kid whom I've never met? I look down and blush.

"She's smitten about some guy" Harry says smiling deviously at me "Willow spill about this guy."

"Its nothing, I'm just excited to be tutoring this kid in my creative writing class, its nothing too special."

I smile and bite into my peanut butter and honey sandwich.

Harry laughs and snickers as Wendy looks me dead in the eye. "What's his name?" She smiles cause she knows. Wendy always knows when I'm interested in a guy, it's like her sixth sense. Her hazel eyes dig into to my light brown ones.

"His name is uuhhhh..." pretending to struggle with his name I continue "Calum, Calum Hood. Senior? Tatted, dark hair, deep, dark eyes... roughly 6ft tall?" I start to blush thinking of this kid again... Well really I'm the kid. He's a senior, obviously 18. While I'm a 17 year old Junior. I'm the kid in reality.

"Calum Hood? Willow you know he's a troublemaker right? He causes fights and ruckus all over the school, and has ever since elementary school. The kid picks fights like a hippy picks flowers." Camilla grabs my hand looking concerned. Is he really this bad of a guy? Why would such a rough and tumble guy take creative writing? Why is he so quiet in class? I'm having a hard time believing he is what people say he is. But I know my friends would never lie to me.

"Yea Willow he's friends with Luke Hemmings, the guy that's fucked almost half the school. The one who girls either swoon or cry over. And he's also friends with Ashton the drummer and Michael that quiet vampire who dyes his hair and only comes out for school and this band thing." Harry says non-chalantly. "Calum cant be much better."

"I heard he put a kid in the hospital" They nod in agreement. I can't believe this... What have I gotten myself into? He just looked so, strong yet vulnerable. Like he's the moon, battered and broken, yet when the sun shines upon him he glows and is beautiful with all his imperfections. I was intrigued by a boy I never noticed only when I was forced to gaze upon him. And when I did gaze, he was beautiful and nothing will change my image of him.

"Stop, STOP IT right now. I don't care what you "heard" it could all be made up. Just rumors and you're spreading them. He needs help in class so I'll help him. I will tutor him as long he needs no matter what rumors you're sending around." I get up and throw away my trash in disgust. I may have snapped but I know what its liked to be talked about. I wont sit around and listen to it. As I walk out, I see him in the hall with his bass. I walk the opposite way, regretting my decision. But I'm too shy to meet him before tomorrow. And I'll see him and learn about the boy who intrigues me from afar.

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