Chapter 3 - Willow Fischer

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"Hi Calum, I'm Willow and I'm your tutor" I smile and shake his hand. He looks so shy and scared. Almost startled.

"I-I'm Calum... Nice to meet y-you" A slight blush crosses his puffy cheeks. He wont - cant - make eye contact with me.

Show me, show me your eyes... Show me your soul...

"So, what exactly are you having trouble with?" Although I already know what I struggle with, I want to know what he thinks he needs help with it. I know he struggles mainly with elaboration and putting his true voice to paper. He's too calculated and seems generic on paper. Generic in creative writing is not acceptable.

"I...uh... I guess everything... I don't really write what I think.. or so I'm told." He looks everywhere but at me.

You're hiding. Don't hide from me, there's nothing to be afraid of.

"Well ok," I say chuckling a bit, trying to get him to smile. "How about we play a little question game, you ask me something, I ask you something. Back and forth, back and forth." I smile and touch his arm. His eyes dart to mine and I feel the fire I expected. His eyes search, darting over mine as if he's taking in information quickly. To save for eternity.

"That sounds good... I'll go first I guess... Uh... What is your favorite color?" He asks shaking his head. His eyes are searching his lap now and I laugh, and answer him.

"Pink and Lavender... I cant pick just one!" He smiles and notices my skirt.

"Just like your skirt... Lavender" He smiles and I smile too. I love this skirt. Its lavender and covered in lavender lace. "I...uh... it's very beautiful... very pretty." Red creeps through his cheeks and I smile even wider. His smile is enchanting, like a four leaf clover. Special and rare.

"Thanks Calum... I guess it's my turn.... hmmm, what is your favorite thing to do?" I do wonder, If there is substance to this beautiful, mysterious face. Like art, or playing an instrument.

"Me and some of my friends are in a band. We call ourselves 5 Seconds of Summer. Im the bassist... and I love it. We play coffee houses sometimes a-" I interrupt out of excitement.

"I'd love to see yo- all of you play sometime! The bass is a beautiful instrument. I myself play the guitar and alto saxophone." He looks surprised. He can't be more surprised than me to see and sort the similarities between us.

"Yea, that'd be cool, we play at that indie coffee house Warm Kitty on the third Saturday of every month" He smiles as he pulls out a flier for their next gig.

"This is awesome, I'll definitely come see you" And I'm not lying... I will. Lunch Is almost over.

But I want to talk to him forever...

"Well Lunch is almost over, but I'd love to get to know you better," I rip off a heart shaped sticky note, and scribble my number on it. "Call or text me if you need anything or if you just want to talk." He hold the sticky note as if it was gold. Like he has gotten what he was longing for. I'm longing to see more of this intriguing boy.

"When will we meet next?" I want to say whenever you'd like but I'm his tutor.. I need to stay somewhat professional.

"How about.... Tomorrow here again, and we could go to the Styles Bakery after school?" He listens as if he's hearing an angel sing a song for him.

"That'd be great.. I.. yah really cool..." The way he's smiling makes my heart jump and dance. We both stand up as the bell sounds.

"I'll see you tomorrow Calum." I go into hug him and I'm returned with strong arms and a sense of triumph. But which one us has triumphed? Me or him?

Watched - Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now