Chapter 2 - Calum Hood

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"You are my getaway, you are my favorite place, we put the wor-" She storms out of the café and locks eyes with me.

Come to me beautiful, you seem troubled. Let my embrace calm what you quarrel with.

She looks at me and turns on her heel, speed walking down the hallway. I sigh, if she would only talk to me. I take out my buzzing phone and scroll through my notifications.

"@HazzaBear followed you!" Is he that gay guy who hangs out with Mr. Tomlinson the fine cuisine teacher all the time?

"Luke: Hey do you know that Willow chick?" What does Luke want with Willow? He doesn't think he can seduce her, can he? He may have charmed a million whores but he could never charm my jewel Willow. She's to smart to fall for Luke's selfish tricks.

"Email from Ms.Trey: Tomorrow you will meet your new tutor in the library for lunch, get to know her and don't cause trouble. Here is more info" Another tutor. Why cant she just accept I cant put my voice to paper? Not in front of the whole class like that. They'd torture me endlessly. But if I don't go, they'll dig into me more than last time. Just get it over with.

No one can get me to put my voice on paper. I learned that if you let your feelings flow, people will take them and twist and wrench them. They'll use to them to hurt you. They wont stop until you've hit rock bottom and they're standing on your neck. As I start to relive bad memories, Luke, Michael and Ashton come up to me twirling keys. I stand and greet them.

"Hey, where are you guys going?" I ask putting my bass in its case.

"We thought we'd head over to practice that new song you wrote... What was it called again Disintegrated?" Luke ponders, demonstration the true talent of a blonde.

"Disconnected. Its called Disconnected." I say and we head to Ashton's car.



I slide the alarm off and wipe the sleep out of my eyes. Toddy's the day I meet my new tutor. I get up and turn on the light. Blinded, I stumble into the bathroom to wash my face. I pull my blue cloth off the rack and run warm water over it. I squirt a bit of cucumber soap on the cloth, lather it up and I wash the tired out of me and walk back to my room. I pull on my ripped skinny jeans and my black flowered skull tee that Luke got me for my 18th birthday. I pull on my black converse and tousle my hair until it looks desirable.

Am I her desire?

Ashton is the only one with a car so he's always come to pick us up. As I sit out on the step of my porch, I think of Willow.

How graceful she is. She walk briskly but always floats like the breeze. She's a breath of fresh air when I'm stuck in a smog. I want to say I love her. I want to love her. I want her.

Ashton pulls up and I hope in the back with Michael. Luke hands me a cup of tea and we all grunt our good mornings.

"So Calm, do you know who you'll be meeting today at lunch?" Michael asks looking out the window. The truth is I don't. I wouldn't read the email. I don't care who it is.

"No, I didn't read the email" I say blandly. Luke whips around and I study his unnatural interest.

"What if its that bird Willow?" He says obviously making fun of me. But I do ponder... what if it is the one and only... My beautiful bird. If its her, I don't think I'd ever dread creative writing again. I'd do anything she asked. I'd be better for her. But its so unlikely I wont even entertain that thought. I cant fill a bag full of hope if its got a hole in the belly.

Luke finally gets the hint that I am ignoring him and decides to go on.

Luke I wont hesitate to fucking punch you if you don't drop my lover's name from your filthy mouth. 

"She is a hottie. Man I'd do that all the way into next year. She's single too" Michael nods but I can tell he's feeling put on the spot. Luke knows what he's doing and he is proud. He's proud of the fact that he's probably broken a hundred fragile hearts. And maybe even ruined their vision of guys forever. The fact that he thinks Willow, smart, pretty Willow is going to fall for his silly, dick tricks, is disgusting.

"Cool it man. Turn around and shut up. You're distracting me and I'd like to make it to school with all four of alive and intact" Ashton taps his shoulder while driving and Luke pays him no attention.

"What a nice body she's got too. I'm thinking.. 36C? Maybe even D. And she has got curves to die for. I'd like to trace those with my-" Ashton stops at a red light and as soon as he can he punches Luke in the arm.

"Dude is don't fucking shut up you'll walk to school! You've got no right to talk about a lady like that! Especially not Calum's lady. Now shut the fuck up or walk the fuck to school." I mentally make a note to thank Ashton. One more comment from Luke and I might've been in tears. And I cant let him or anyone see me in such a vulnerable state. Luke shoots me a devious grin and turns back around. Sighing I take a sip of my tea. Michael pats my shoulder reassuringly and I'm glad I have him and Ashton. I know they'll always be there for me. That's why I've got broken drum sticks and Michael's guitar on the inside of my right upper arm.

Even before Ashton turns off the car, Luke is up and out, speeding towards the school. He should be, I would've killed him if he said anything else, so its lucky that he fled so fast.

"Hey Cal, don't let him get to you. He's pushing your buttons because he doesn't have anything better to do. He doesn't have a girl swooning over him. Just don't let it get to you." Ashton says as he cuffs my arm. I'm grateful for his words. They all know how much I want to love her. She is the apple of my eye.

"Thanks Ash, I just wish I wasn't actually worried about him going after her." Giving me a reassuring smile he rubs my back and walks over to his girlfriend, Danielle.

Danielle and Ashton are actually very cute. He loves her to death. He is the perfect boyfriend to her. When she had come down with the flu, he skipped a week of school to take care of her. He waited on her hand and foot. Even skipped our band practice. And she's perfect for Ashton's fun loving nature. She balances him. Will Willow balance me? Will she quell the evil, the hate in me?

I walk into school and join the sea of kids who don't want to be here.


The bell rings for lunch. Sighing I take my backpack and head to the library, headphones on both ears to drown out the noise of squealing girls and pushy guys. I spot Michael and he stops to speak to me.

"Calum I just saw Willow walk into the Library. Dude you know she's smart, she could be your tutor!" He smiles and shakes me a bit... Creeping along my face from his is a smile. A genuine smile.

She is smart. It could be her.

"Dude you better get your ass in there, your princess is waiting to be saved!" I love Michael and how excited he is for me. He dances off like a pretty, princess and I smile, speeding towards the Library.

"Sign in, name, grade, ID and duration of stay" the librarian says. She looks absolutely bored out of her mind and I don't blame her. I scribble out what I hope looks like an entry.

Calum Hood - 12 - 1367923 - C Lunch

I put down the pen and spot her. Sitting alone, with her creative writing notebook out. I stop in my tracks as she smiles up at me.

This cant be... She... Willow the beautiful is my tutor.... Play it cool...

I go to sit down next to her and she puts out her hand for a handshake.

"Hi Calum, I'm Willow and I'm your tutor." Her smile starts to melt the block of ice in the left side of my chest. And all I can think is;

I love you more than anything.

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