Entry #3 Little White Lies

671 37 1

Title: Little White Lies

Author: xMagnumOpus

Genre: Teen Fiction


Scarlett Thompson had always suspected that there was something strange about her family: her brother and father's child mentality for food and her mother's up-to-date fashion. Yet with Scarlett, you didn't have any of that. Everyone in her family had brown or blue eyes, she had green. They had dimples, she had freckles.

With her mother's sudden reunion with her old friends, as well as her father's death, it isn't a surprise to Scarlett to find out that the man she believed to be her father, was never her father at all. But then, who is her father? Along with new friends and something mores, Scarlett knows that she must scoop into her mother's past to discover the truth, uncovering her mother's little white lies along the way.

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