Secret Dreams

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Kai's POV

I glanced at the clock with hopeful eyes. A few more minuets and we could leave, saying goodbye to my history class and the serpentine war.  This was the fourth lesson of a five lesson day, excluding study hall at the end of the day. I was sat next to Nya, with Zane and Pixel behind and the teacher droning in about Anacondrai and Constrictai warriors at the front of the class.

Half way through the lesson, Nya had lent over and whispered to me that we were going to sit with Jay, Zane and the rest of their friends for lunch. I had no obligations because in the brief time I got to know Cole, Zane and Lloyd, I found them to be pretty cool. I mean, don't get me wrong, Jays alright, but I have a sneaky suspicion that he likes my sister, and to be honest, I'm not good at letting go, especially when it comes to people i love, so this could turn out bad for him.

As the bell went, I stood up and collected all my things before shoving them into my bag. I glanced over and saw Nya also packing her things up before looking back at me and smiling.

"You ready for lunch?" She said, pulling her backpack onto one shoulder, before looking up at me and smiling.

"Im starving, ready is an understatement" I answered, catching Zane and Pixel ready to go.

As we left the classroom, Zane took the lead and lead me and Nya into a big hall-converted-lunch-cafeteria. We carried on following him to the far end of the hall to a table which already consisted of Cole and Lloyd.

The two boy took no notice of us as they continued to eat their lunches. Cole was eating a massive slice of chocolate cake and Lloyd was eating a sandwich.

Cole jumped when I took a seat next to him, spraying bits of cake everywhere, I made a disgusted face at him, but he just shrugged and carried on eating. Nya had sat next to Lloyd, with Zane and Pixal both sitting on the same side as her making me feel really outnumbered.

Nya and Cole began small talking with the occasional input from Lloyd, so I started to get out my lunch, I wasn't a big fan of small talk.

A loud cheer came from a neighbouring  table catching my attention. From what I could tell, some boys wearing the school teams yellow and black football jackets were trying to chug down a whole cup of ketchup. Gross.

Surrounding the table like flys were some really hot girls gushing over the 'heroic' deed the boys were doing.

I rolled my eyes, about to go back to my food when my brown eyes was caught by someone who was sat with the jocks, but instead of cheering them on, she look super unimpressed, and almost bored. She had beautiful ruby red hair in a high ponytail with a few stray strands shaken loose to frame her face, big hazel eyes and thin lips painted in an pale orange gloss. She wore orange boyfriend jeans with a black belt, a black tank top with orange zebra prints on it which hung loosely over one shoulder. I felt my mouth hanging open slightly, and unintentionally, my sandwich slipped through my hands and onto the table, gaining the five other people on this tables attention.

Cole and Lloyd smirked, knowing exactly what was going on.

"I wouldn't even think about it Kai" Cole said looking at me and then at the red head, and then back to me before raising both eyebrows.

"W-what?" I spluttered, returning my gaze back to our table, slightly wincing at everyone's eyes set on me.

"Yeah Kai, Skylor is basically teenage royalty," Seliel added, squeezing in next to me and Cole having just arrived with Jay, who sat the other side of me, "She the most popular girl in school, cheerleading Captain, class representative and to top it all off, she's super pretty, you don't stand a chance"

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