Helen Stole The Poster

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The rest of the show went smoothly, and I almost forgot that two of my favorite youtubers were sitting next to me. Almost. Once it ended, I quickly got out of my seat, heading towards the exit. The last thing I needed was to embarrass myself even more in front of Phil. Especially when my anxiety was over something as stupid as my agoraphobia.

I had almost made it outside when I ran into Helen again. Despite us both being anti-social awkward buttholes, we had a conversation. 

"Oh, hi again, Sarah. So Emily was texting me and we're talking about going out to eat with the others on Friday. Most of them haven't responded yet, except J.C. who said 'someone please stab me', so we're assuming that he's coming," Helen said. I just nodded, half paying attention. 

"Um, yeah, I should be available on Friday. It's not like I ever have anything going on anyways," I replied.

"Same," Helen agreed. I pulled out my phone and texted that I was able to go on Friday. Also, I noticed how many messages my mom had left me. Geez, if I didn't update her every five minutes, she would start worrying about me. I mean, I did have lots of anxiety issues, so I didn't blame her, but at the same time I wish she would give me some space sometimes.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned around to see Phil again. I could feel myself blushing, and next to me Helen was just gaping.

"Sorry to interrupt, I never got your name," Phil said. 

"Um, yeah, I'm Sarah," I introduced myself awkwardly. 

"Is that...?" Helen asked quietly, barely loud enough for me to hear her.

"Yeah," I answered.

"So that means...." Helen trailed off as Dan, as if on cue, caught up to Phil. Despite the fact that she quickly regained her composure, I'm pretty sure she died inside. Again.

"Oh, is this the girl from earlier?" Dan asked, indicating at me. 

"Hey. I'm Sarah," I said. Of course I managed to introduce myself properly to Dan and not Phil. Good job, me, I'm so proud that I made it obvious that I felt flustered around Phil.

"Dan," Daniel simply said. I nodded awkwardly since I already knew who he was.

"Yeah, we know. We watch your videos," I informed them.

"I'm Helen," Helen introduced herself, pausing for a moment, "Congrats on your new girlfriend, by the way." We all gave her a confused look. Last time I checked, Dan wasn't dating anyone.

"Um, I don't have a girlfriend," Daniel confirmed. Helen gave him an adorable smile.

"You do now!" she said happily, and suddenly she had dragged Dan out of sight, leaving both Phil and me bewildered. 

"What just happened?" Phil asked. I blinked a few times.

"I think Helen just happened," I muttered.

"Is he gonna be okay?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, he'll be fine. Helen would die before she would let Dan get hurt. I mean, they might end up getting married, but other than that he'll be fine."

POV change: 3rd person

It's not everyday that you get dragged away by a random pretty girl you just met, but that had just happened to Daniel Howell. Helen had brought him to a nearby coffee shop and ended up buying coffee for both of them, which was fine by Dan. You can't go wrong with free coffee. 

They got a table and sat down. Helen pulled out the poster, she, um... borrowed, which of course a Dan and Phil poster. 

"This is probably really weird," Helen admitted.

"Yeah, it is," Daniel agreed.

"Can you sign this for me?" she asked him, quickly changing the subject. She handed him a pen and he did as she asked, only to knock over his cup of coffee and spill it all over the poster (gj Dan so proud). Dan swore loudly, followed by a moment of awkward silence.

"I am so sorry. That was completely my fault," Daniel apologized. Helen was a bit disappointed, but I mean she did meet Daniel so her day was still pretty freaking awesome. 

"It's fine," Helen said quickly, getting some napkins to clean up the mess. Dan seemed to want to say something, but he hesitated. He seemed to make up his mind.

"Hey, could I get your number?" he requested. Helen's heart stopped for a good five seconds and she stared at him blankly.

"Wot," was all she could manage to say.

"I mean, I should get you a new poster. I ruined the first one so it makes sense that I get you another. You can text me when you want to meet up and get it." That was a decent enough excuse to talk to her again. Helen gave him her number and he added her to his contacts. She gathered up all of her non-coffee covered stuff and got ready to leave, mentally screaming from all the fangirling going on inside of her head.

"If you want to message me for other things, that's fine, too," Dan added, "I mean, you are my girlfriend." Dan winked and did finger guns.

"Yeah I'm never doing that again," he muttered. Helen laughed, feeling the happiest she had ever felt in her life. 

So the moral of the story is, kids, that if you steal things and kidnap your favorite internet star and buy them coffee, you will then start dating them.

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