Dinner and Mario Kart

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POV change: Sarah

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I hadn't worn makeup in forever, it felt like my face couldn't breathe. But I did look kind of pretty, I had to admit. Helen did a good job with the makeup, she looked even more gorgeous than usual (which I didn't know was possible). The whole process of getting my makeup done brought back memories of when I was a kid in Michigan. My friend liked to practice doing makeup and she was pretty dang good at it. I missed her a lot.

"Alright, it's time to go!" Helen announced.

"I can't believe you convinced me to call in sick for this," I mumbled.

"You're going on a date with Phil, you are love sick. It's totally understandable," Helen chided. My heart stopped for a good five seconds.

"Did he say it was a date?" I asked. Helen bit her lip.

"Well, no... But it's obvious you like him. And there's nothing to dislike about you, you're amazing." I felt my heart fall into my stomach.

"He has millions of fangirls. There's no way he'd like me the most out of all of them. I'm not smart or pretty or funny or attractive at all..."

"Sarah, lying makes you go to hell!" Helen said in a sing-song voice.

"But breaking into people's apartments, stealing posters, and kidnapping youtubers doesn't?" I questioned.

"It was not stealing, it was permanent borrowing, I didn't break in since I technically didn't break anything, and Dan decided to stay so it wasn't kidnapping. And he's not a kid," Helen defended herself. I rolled my eyes. Yep, Helen was an innocent little angel. I quickly put on my shoes and followed her out the door, silently praying that I wouldn't screw this whole thing up.

It was intimidating how fancy this restaurant was. The last time I went to somewhere this fancy had to be when I was back in middle school. We had a field trip to the upper peninsula and went to the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island. I was the messiest eater ever and I'm pretty sure everyone who worked there hated me. At least we had fun. There wasn't anyone to impress then.

A waiter led us to our seats. It was obvious that he wasn't actually Italian and even more obvious that he was interested in Helen.

"Is there anything I can get you lovely-" he glanced at Helen, "ladies to drink while you're waiting for the rest of your party?"

"I'll just have some water," Helen said in a monotone voice, making it clear that she wasn't at all interested in him.

"I'll have a coke, please," I said. Helen seemed slightly amused by my choice, I will admit that I am a bit of a Coca-Cola addict. Okay, maybe more than a bit. Five cans a day was normal for me. I don't know how I'd function without caffeine. 

We had been waiting for about five minutes. It wasn't a big surprise that they were late, they were Dan and Phil, after all. 

Author's note: Okay, screw this, I don't know how to do the writing of people becoming friends and crap, I don't know how to social. Imma just do a timeskip yay~

One month later~

We were sitting on Dan and Phil's couch, playing Mario Kart. Dan was winning, he was amazing with the bombs, which I had no idea how to use. I was half decent with the green shells at least. I was in fifth, Phil was in third, and Helen was in eighth. 

"Okay, this is so not fair, I've never played before!" Helen yelled. 

"Even if you had played before, I'd still be winning," Dan replied. 

"Oh, shut up!" Helen said as she stole his controller. 


"Look who's winning now!" she said mischievously, hurriedly leaving Dan's general area. Dan got up and chased after her. It probably didn't help that neither of them were athletic, it took a good minute before he tackled her and they were both on the ground laughing.

"Get a room!" I yelled, rolling my eyes. Those two were still dating and were honestly adorable together, but I couldn't help but feel a bit lonely when they did stuff like that. I still had a huge crush on Phil. I was hoping it would just go away, but of course it didn't. He was way out of my league and I was sure he didn't like me back. The round quickly ended, Phil ended up winning and I got second, and Helen got eleventh using Dan's controller.

"How about next time we just play Super Smash Bros?" I suggested.

"I'd super smash you!" Phil said immediately afterwards, making my face go bright red. There was an awkward moment of silence.

"Uh... I didn't mean it like that..." he said. 

"Suuuuuuuure," Helen replied.

"Who needs to get a room now?" Dan asked, amused. 

"Shut up," I muttered, still blushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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