I Hate Mornings

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POV change: Sarah

I groaned, flailing my arm around in an attempt to turn off my alarm clock. I cannot express how much I hate mornings. Not only were they exhausting, but I had to work and I hated my boss.

Half-awake, I stumbled out of my room and into the kitchen, trying not to trip over the mess on the floor.

"Good morning!" a cheerful voice said. I nearly had a heart attack, I lived alone and I was not expecting any visitors.

"Helen? What the hell are you doing here? And how did you even get in here?" I asked.

"Let's just say you should really get the lock on your window fixed."

"But I live on the third flo-"

"Not important! Come on, we need to get you ready!"

"For what? I have work in an hour," I informed her. Helen did not seem to care about my job, and I had never seen her this hyper before. Especially not at six in the morning. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she were on drugs. Most likely from Mad Mike.

Helen threw a dress at me, which landed on top of my head. I took it off and stared at it, totally confused. Helen saw my puzzlement and finally decided to explain.

"We're going out with Dan and Phil." Oh, yeah, that made perfect sense.... Wait, WHAT?!

"You broke into my flat at six in the morning to tell me that we're going out with Daniel Howell and Philip Lester?" I repeated. She flashed me a smile.

"Hey, I did text you in advance!" I checked my phone. Sure enough, 257 unread messages from Helen spanning from midnight to four in the morning. Most of them consisted of "S A R A H".

"How much sleep did you get last night?" I asked, very concerned for her health.

"You can't expect me to sleep after what happened yesterday! Now get changed, we only have 5 hours to get ready!" Helen exclaimed. I sighed and went back to my room to put on the dress. This was going to be a long five hours.

POV change: 3rd person

Dan checked the time. 10:00. Eh, he had let Phil sleep in for long enough. He put on the Edward Cullen mask and headed into Phil's room, flickering the lights on and off. Phil quickly woke up and let out a yelp when he saw Daniel, making Dan burst into laughter.

"I hate you!" Phil said as he threw pillows at Dan. Dan attempted to dodge them with his top quality athletic skills (please note the sarcasm) and somehow got hit by more pillows than he would have if he had just stood still.

"We're hanging out with Helen and her friend in an hour. Thought you would want to know."

"Are you going to be wearing that?" Phil asked, indicating the mask.

"Wasn't planning to, but it is pretty sexy. I'll attract all the ladies."

"I thought you just wanted to attract Helen," Phil stated.

"Shut up."

"Dan, you were talking about her all night. You just met her yesterday and you're already obsessed." Dan blushed, but it was hidden by Edward's terrifying face. He attempted to change the subject to avoid further embarrassment.

"We're going to some fancy Italian restaurant who's name I can't pronounce. It's gonna be formal, so try to look nice."

"I can't believe we're going outside two days in a row."

"I can't believe I'm going out with the most beautiful girl ever to exist," Dan muttered under his breath.

Author's note: sorry that this chapter is shorter than usual, I want to save the "date" for the next chapter and I had to rewrite this chapter because I hated the original one. Also I had to write this on my iPod so it went a lot slower than what I'm used to. And I'm sick. Like always. Eh, at least I got something done.

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