Untreated Love

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How do I put this to were it doesn't come out harsh?

I'm dying. There may be a cure for me but my chances aren't very likely.

Why, you may be asking? Well, I have Lung Cancer. I am only 16 and I have a disease that is going to kill me.

How? Well let's just give you a short over run of my life.

My birth mom.... She's a alcoholic, druggie, you name it she does it, and the worst part is so is my dad. They both smoke and when I say smoke I mean like 24/7 with 2 cigarettes in the mouth constantly. I have lived with that for 14 years.

But your 16 what about those two years? Those last two years my biological parents have spent in jail, and me I have been in foster care in between treatments.

So a life with cancer, no parents, and no home? Yeah, I don't recommend it.

Where am I currently on my treatments? 75% of the cancer cells have died and they have removed and I go in for my, hopefully, last treatment in 5 weeks. A lot can happen in 5 weeks. Those cells could grow. They could reproduce. And even if I get all the cells removed or they die there is still a 50% chance that I could get lung cancer anytime the rest of my life.

I know I am probably sounding really negative right now but that's my life, full of all negatives and no positives. But that might all be changing.

So I haven't really introduced myself to you, I'm Rosie Parker. I am 16 years if age. I am currently a foster child.

I am in 10th grade. I do not attend school as of this moment because of my treatments. Which it's summer so I am not missing anything because we are on summer vacation. Which most kids would love summer if they were me, you know the no cancer, foster child me, because I live on Venice Beach in the beautiful state of California. But for me, it's pretty low key because I am not a normal 16 year old that gets to enjoy the beach. Instead I get to go to hospitals and have needles and blood putt into me.

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