Chapter 6- Bella

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I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone of my dresser. Sadie was still unpacking my stuff. So I just let home be and exited quietly. I walked down stairs and joined Mr.- John in the kitchen. Before we left he turned to me and stated "I'll give you a tour when we get back." I just nodded in assurance.

We walked down a hallway and opened a door which seemed to lead out to a garage. I was right a HUGE car garage. I started to count I got to 7 when I was interrupted by John asking me "which one?"

I pointed to the 67' Firebird convertible. I love Firebirds, my grandpa used to have one before he died. Then my parents sold it and used the money to buy more drugs and alcohol. John waved me over to the car knocking me out of my own thinking and back to reality.

"Sorry" I apologized "it's just this car makes me think of my grandfather. He loved old cars and before he passed away he had custody of me and we used to go to car shows. I miss that."

"So your parents didn't have you your whole life?" he questioned.

"No my grandfather got custody of me for a while till he died and then I had to go back to loving with them. If he wouldn't have died I probably wouldn't have cancer right now. And I wouldn't have had to live like this."

He just nodded obviously not sure how to reply to that. I understood though it was a lot to take in. I mean I just met him A couple hours ago, he barely mows anything about me but my name.

The car ride to the groomers was held with some small conversations. When we got there we both got out of the car and headed towards the front door of this little shop in the middle of no where. When we walked In a little puppy laid shyly in the corner in front of her cage laid a peace of paper that said 'take me with you! my name is Bella I am a 4 month old husky, and I just want a family to love me. Free to a good home, talk to Kessa at the front desk if interested. You may hold me but remember to lock my cage when done.'

I opened the door and this little gray and white puppy with blue eyes jumped into my arms. I played with it for a minute and then it fell asleep in my arms. I heard someone walk up behind me. It was John. He had a huge dog I was guessing was Mud. "Who's this little princess?" he asked me.

"Her name is Bella. She was in this cage and had this note taped to it" I gestured handing him the note. He read it to himself and said "well?" I looked at him confused.

"Do you want her?" he croaked out. I stood there in shock. Could I really have a puppy? I always wanted one but my parents wouldn't let me, they said they didn't even want to take care of me why would they want to take care of a dog. So I never asked again.


"Why not? he would be good for you he could stay with you at the hospital and Muds trainer can train her. You can have something to play with if you get bored. And she seems to really like you."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. Would you like to take her home?"

"Omg yes please!" I said and hugged him.

"Ok then let me just go talk to Kessa, if you want you can take Mud and Bella and go sit in the car" he said handing me the keys.

"Doesn't Mud need a leash?" I asked gesturing at the dog besides me.

"No he's trained." I nodded and grabbed the keys from his hands with Bella in my other hand. I headed out the door towards the car. I opened the car and let Mud in the back. He basically took up the whole seat. He just laid across it. I turned on the car and sat in the passengers seat. Mud then has his nose by Bella's sleeping face. "What boy?" I asked him.

He just laid back down. I gently laid Bella on the seat next to Mud. Them before I could turn around I saw mud get up grab Bella's gruff on the back of her neck and lay her right next to her head. They were so cute all curled up together. I smiles and turned forward.

About 10 minutes later John came walking out the door and towards the car. He got in and said "she's all yours. But we are going to have to go to petsmart and get her some food and stuff and I have to get Muds food. We can do that now or after dinner?"

"We ca. Get it now and then we won't have to make an extra trip and we can get it over with."


With that we headed off to Petsmart. We got Bella food, a bed, water and food bowl, about six or seven toys, a brush, shampoo, a couple bows for her hair, and one little outfit. John was really fun to shop with.

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