Chapter 14- The Start of Something.

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I had to go my appointment tomorrow alone because Cole has to go to his school orientation which I was having to miss.

It has been three weeks since I have arrived and three weeks since me and Cole began dating. And yesterday was the first time he told me he loved me. So much has happened. My thoughts clouded my head as I trailed off to sleep.

I woke up to the ringing of my alarm. It was 7:00 and my appointment was in 50 minutes. I quickly took a shower brushed my hair and put it into a side bride. I wore a little mascara and lip gloss. I was wearing a black T-shirt with pink shorts and cute black strappy sandals.

I looked at my phone it read 7:37. Right then I got a text from Cole

"Good morning princess"

"Good morning prince"

"I'll see you after your appointment?"

"Sure. I call you when I'm done:)"

"Yes mam"

"You made me sound 90 years old with wrinkles when you said that."

"Haha. Your beautiful! I love you. I will talk to you later."

"I love you too prince."

I walked down stairs and grabbed a water. I realized that I hadn't seen Bella In a while. I whistled and then heard heavy running and there she was. She was huge now and very energetic. I glanced up when I heard the fridge open. It was Cat. She was still in pjs? did she forget about my appointment?

"Hey baby girl I don't feel well today. You can take any car you want to go to the appointment. I don't think I can make it there. Call me when you get there and what your plans are for after. And have fun today ok? don't just lay around." She said smiling.

"Are you sure? any car?" I said.

She just simply nodded and said "ill see you tonight?"

"Of course. I'll call you later" it was still weird having her as like a mother figure, but she was really open and good to talk to. She was better than my real mom. That's for sure.

I picked the red jeep and opened the garage. I backed up and headed off to the doctors office. Since this town wasn't that hard to memorize I pretty much knew where everything was. The doctors office was about 20 minutes away.

I arrived and checked in I was then commanded to Dr. Hamilton's office.

I sat in the black chair in his office waiting for him. I thought I was getting a check up? why was I in his office?

After about 10 minutes of waiting Dr. Hamilton walked in and said "good morning ms. Rosie, so glad you could make it!"

I stared at him blankly. "Why are you so cheery? and why are we in your office? isn't this a check up?"

He nodded his head in response, "well if you still had a disease we would have to check you" he said cooking up a smile on his face.

"But I do, I have lung cancer, the most incurable cancer there is!"

He shook his head "your cancer is gone. It's basically like it was never there. We have never, ever had this happen before, you are a miracle."

I just sat there, unable to breathe, unable to think.

"Rosie?" dr. Hamilton's voice drug me out of my daze.

"How, how?" I stumbled out.

"We don't know but just to make sure it's really gone you need a check up every 3 months. I have made these dates and....." he kept talking but I wasn't listening.

When the room when silent I stood up "am I free to go now?" he nodded handing me a stack of papers.

Before I could get out the door I heard "good job Rosie!"

I sat in the car for about 10 minutes in silence till my phone rang... it read Cole.


Hey baby you at your check up?

I didn't answer him I couldn't.


What? why?

He basically yelled this at me.


Because why?! you need to get checked out Ro-

I slammed the phone down. My heart was pounding. He's never yelled at me like that before.

I started up the jeep and drove through Starbucks. I got two drinks. I was gonna surprise Cole at the school and maybe he won't be as mad.

How am I gonna tell him? this thought was in the back of my head all the way there. I sat in the parking lot and scanned for his car. Nope. I sat and waited. After 5 minutes still no car and no Cole. I decided to call him.


Where are you?

Headed to the orientation at school. What do you think?!

I'm sorry I was just wondering.

Why? you need to be at your check up.

Ok, ok.

I didn't say anything else I just hung up. He still sounded mad but oh well. I decided to follow the crowd of people to the front. There were a set of benches at the front of the school. I set the drinks on the table and waited for Cole. About 2 minutes later I saw Cole walking towards the school with his head down looking at his phone.

All the sudden my phone vibrates. Cole texted me "I'm sorry I yelled at you baby. I'm just worried about you."

He still didn't look up from his phone. So as he came closer I spoke "why don't you just tell me in person how sorry you are?"

His eyes immediately shot up and he looked around till our eyes met. He walked straight towards me with anger in his eyes "what the hell are you doing here?" he screamed inches away from my face.

"I-I" I couldn't speak I was speechless. He has never scared me before. I broke our eyes and turned and practically ran away. I left my Starbucks!

"Wait! Rose!" Cole yelled. I could feel water running down my cheeks. I stopped at the jeep and reached in my bag to find my keys. As soon as I found them strong arms wrapped around me. I pushed them but they didn't budge.

"Rose I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell, it's just that my friend who died of cancer never went to his checkup and"

I cut him off "I don't have cancer cole!" I screamed in a whisper with anger in my voice. he just stared at me wide eyed.


I sighed "that's why I could be here this morning. I went in to the doctors this morning an" before I could finish a pair of lips smashed to mine.

"I thought you were mad at me" I said pushing him off.

"I wasn't mad I was worried. I'm sorry baby. I am so proud of you! you conquered cancer!" he just stood in front of me with his hands on my waist and a smile on his face.

He wiped the tears from my face "I'm sorry for yelling at you."

I looked up at him and pecked his lips. "It's ok." I laid my head on his shoulder. "Let's go inside" he said slightly moving away and intertwining our fingers together. Before we started walking away he whispered "I love you my little Rose!"

We started to walk back towards the door. Before we went in I stopped and said "Cole."


"I love you too"

He kissed my forehead and we walked through the doors.

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