Agh... A/N. :(

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Hey guys... so, i'm going to be inactive for a while. (Even though i already have been...)
I have a lot of weight on my shoulders at the moment. I have some personal issues, as well....
So, i'm going to take a long break, months perhaps, to deal with this weight. My parents are divorced, yet are still "together." Fights are constantly breaking out around me because of them, and i don't know how to handle it. I feel worthless, pathetic, ect, as they have called me... and i'm slowly believing it. It's become so bad to where I am depressed, and lock myself away from everyone, and bottle my emotions up. I try to smile it all away, even though i'm breaking inside.
I'm sorry if i disappoint you all... but i really need some time to adjust to this... if i ever do.
So, for that reason, i'm putting the book on hold. I'm not saying that i'm never updating another chapter, because that's NOT what i'm saying. I'm just holding it off for a bit, and i may pick back up on it if i return and i'm still into Undertale. (Which i most likely will be.)
So, that's all i had to say... i'm sorry for those who wanted to roleplay, when i come back, i'll try to reply.
Thank you if you read this...
Goodbye for a bit, my friends...

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