Kurapika x Depressed! Reader (Special!)

2K 23 17

*flips table* guys I reached 





1K yes  thank you I hope we can reach 2k so I said to myself this a Killua x reader book and


Said that they would like kurapika so I said to myself if I reach 1k I would do it. And look at this 1k. If we reach 2k the first non Killua x reader oneshot request will be done as a special just like this one

Also I've never done kurapika and he's different so without further ado let the story begin.


That day haunts his mind everyday. The day he rode back to his quiet village. He walked the bird like creature to its stall. He then walked towards the village square. When he got there he could not believe the sight in front of him. All of the kurta clan.

Sitting in pools of blood. He saw piaro(is that how you spell it) he ran to his body and flipped the boy over. His empty eyes staring at nothing. The tiny kurta looked all over the village but he couldn't find her.


But that was 11 years ago. The 17 year old blond rubbed the tired out of his eyes. Eyes darting to his buzzing phone. It was Killua.

"Moshi, Moshi"

"Hey kurapika"

"What do you need"

"Can you meet us in the park later"

"Alright i'll be there around 1:30"

"Alright see you there" the call ended

The blonde looked at the clock across the room 8:52 it read. The boy sighed and crawled out of the warm comfort of his bed. Then walked over to the dresser. He got out his tribal outfit. And clean undergarments.

Kurapika's P.O.V

I walked into the bathroom placed my clothes on the counter. I took out my contacts. Sighing I looked at my outfit. I was the last one. I shook the thought out of my head. No im surrounded by friends today that care. I need to focus on some time to be reunited.

After getting dressed I started my way to the park but decided to take the long way. The city felt somewhat different today. Or maybe it was the occasion of seeing friendly faces that's making it so much better. I then heard sniffling. I turned my head in the direction.

There was a female around the same age as me. She was sitting on the base of a statue  I decided that it wasn't my problem. And continued to walk. But I stayed watching as people gave her disgusted looks, pulled their children away, or even tried to push her off.

I decided that was enough. I crouched down. Trying to look past the hair that covered her face.

"Um miss" I spoke up. She flinched. I rubbed circles on her back. Whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

'Why am I doing this?' I asked myself

She peeked up at me still sniffling. Her eyes a lovely scarlet.

I stood up and backed away in shock. Now I didn't notice before but she also had a kurta outfit for females on.

She looked at me fully. With tears that stained her cheeks.

"SEE YOUR JUST LIKE EVERYONE!" I walked to her again

"No im not" she looked confused. And she shook her head. I grabbed hold of her hands. I took her to an alleyway. Took out my contacts. And my scarlet eyes visible. She looked at me with her mouth agape.

"How is this possible im the only one that escaped?" she questioned

"I am kurapika" she looked like she remembered.

"I watched it all my friends, my family, the elder, everyone get their eyes taken out bleed to death. Downed in their own blood" she started to break down again

She leaned into my chest crying.

"I had visions it would happen but everyone laughed at me. I still remember it, it haunts me everyday I live!" she said between sniffles.

I stroked her silky hair

"Its okay (name)" she cried harder. She was my first love one of my first friends.

I still love her. 

She pulled back. Her scarlet eyes still visible. And for the first time they didn't bring back feelings of revenge but love.

"We'll get through this together" you looked up at him

"Promise you wont leave again" he nodded then held out his pinky. You connected his finger with yours.

"Kurta's never break their promises"


"Where the hell is Kurapika" the albino fumed, angrily tapping the buttons to text

"Maybe he's running late" Gon suggested

"Give him a break guys we just dealt with the phantom troupe.

__________________the end_____________________

Yay sorry that it was short 

I hope you enjoyed this different one shot

2/6 request are done

Stay awesome

Words: 794  

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