BF! Killua x GF! Reader

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This is gonna be really short

This is for CutiePieNess your writing is better sorry for the waait and

Slow updates school hasn't started yet  but ive been busy and stuff


Your boyfriend was currently watching a movie eith you in his lp.

You kept getting scared and buried your face in the crook of his neck. He chuckled at how cute you were when you were scared.

You were getting tired from screaming and his body heat made it harder to keep your eyes open.

You drifted off the world of slumber. The movie was soon over  Killua turned off the T.V and looked at your sleeping figure.

He smiled softly. He reached his hand to remove some hair from your face and safely tucked it behind your ear. He moved his lips to your forehead. Giving a gentle kiss.

He saw a small smile graze your lips. He carried you bridal style to you bedroom. He then laid down himself down next to you.

____________________ the next morning___________

You tried to get up but something was holding you down. You looked to your side. A certain albino was there. You tried to pry his legs and arms off of you but no use.

"Not yet five more minutes"  you giggled at his reaction and kissed his cheek

"Fine but only five" he smiled



Killua x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now