Chapter 5

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The Hunter fell back to one of the taller structures, wiping at the slick sheen of sweat on his face, drawing the green hood tight over his head once again.

His tenth kill dissolved gently at the foot of his tall perch.

"It's Corporal Levi!" Cried out a woman's voice, from not far away, in such a relieved tone of crying joy that the Hunter found his gaze quickly drawn up to see the 'corporal' flying through the grey stone structures, moving with such grace and fluidity that he found he couldn't bear to tear his eyes away.

The man was a blur, swords arching around him as he effortlessly threw his body forwards to bring his blades through the nape of a titan like a hot knife though butter. It was only when he jumped back and landed on one of the tall structures that the Hunter truly realised who this human was.

Black hair shined in the beaming sunlight, silver eyes sweeping over his surroundings, taking on a blue hue as they reflected the open sky.

It was him. His human, defending not only himself but the others with his wind like movements.

...Corporal Levi they said...

The Hunter felt his lips curve up, but not in the usual snarl. Instead they moved up with the strange swooping feeling in his chest as he drank in the figure as it moved, flying forwards to his next target.

He could have sworn that he was bigger before... The Hunter let out a faint breath as he watched the figure shrink into the distance.

"No please! Let me go! PLEASE!"

The Hunter wrenched his eyes away from his disappearing human, instead looking around for the source of the new screams.

Deep gulps of air. No time to rest. No time for watching. No time for him...

His painful hot breaths clawed up his throat as the Hunter moved again. Once more he made to endure the lingering after effects of his earlier transformation. Rest had to wait. He had to help. He had to try.

Using his vines within the human's domain was definitely different to the forest.

He couldn't get as high and secure objects to anchor himself to were few and far between.

However the worst thing was the shining spears at the end of his vines.

The grapples (for that was the word for them even if the Hunter did not know it) bounced off the stone half the time, so he had to mainly rely on his light weight and strength to jump from structure to structure, running down the vertical stones and using the Titan's soft flesh to manoeuvre around.

Clutching his spear tightly, he ran towards the new cries to see a female, hair dirty white, face thick with dark crevices and eyes full of tears, who's lower body was stuck between the grinding teeth of a Titan, red scarf gently swaying with each soft crunching chew.

Silently now he threw himself forwards to balance on the thing's hand, waiting as the thing's sluggish eyes found him, crinkled in murderous delight, and for its jaws to open and snap down on the new arrival.

When that moment came the Hunter darted forward, grabbing the woman and jumping sideways, using his vines to pull them both towards the sloped tops of the structures.

Gently he placed the woman down, briefly putting his hand to her soft cheek to calm her gasping sobs of thanks before turning back to the lumbering white bearded Titan.

He aimed one vine towards its eye and the other to its neck, causing it to rear back as its milky grey eye was punctured, spilling the blood flecked jelly all over itself.

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